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Everything posted by tmorgan4

  1. Got some money from people today. I think we'll wait though the weekend (regardless of whether we want to or not) and have the shop start making them Monday. Thanks everyone!
  2. Oops..forgot how those went together. The studs on the silver triangular piece that sits right UNDER the upper strut mount. Thanks Dean!
  3. Anyone have an old strut mount laying around? I need to know the length of the strut on the upper mount. There's 3 of them...take your pick.
  4. Got your Paypal. Anyone else who wants in on this, hurry up and chime in. I'm trying to collect down payments as we speak. Lets get this show on the road!
  5. Thanks, got the PM. I'll send you one back here in a minute. These spacers are the full 1" this time. It would be awesome if I could get someone who got spacers last time to fill me in on the length of those bolts I sent out. They're Grade 8, 3/8" diameter fine thread but I can't remember the length. I can still collect hardware on them for people, I just screwed myself over last time and charged $5 or so for $20 worth of hardware.
  6. If you don't get an answer here soon I'll have to take a look at the engine I've got. If mine are good I'd be happy to sell them.
  7. $110 shipped for a set, but we'll combine shipping if you want 2 sets. Thanks Fueler!
  8. Good to see people getting in on this. Not sure if there will ever be another run. However you guys would like to pay. Check/Money Order/Paypal. It's all the same to me. Those of you who have my address from past dealings, it's not the same. If you want to send a check or money order, send it here: Tyler Morgan Room 283 Edwards Hall Fort Collins, CO 80521 Or if you prefer Paypal, my address is tmorgan4@frii.com If you send me a check or email, send me a PM to let me know your name on here so I can keep track of things. If you would like to put half down until you see them, that's fine. If you want to pay for the full thing, throw in an extra $10 for shipping in the US.
  9. $100 for a pair. Shipping to Canada is perfectly fine as long as you're willing to pay for it!
  10. Need to get this rolling if people still want them. Shooting for the end of the week.
  11. I think it's the coolest looking steering while I've seen in a long time. I really do need to get one myself!
  12. It IS supposed to be there, but I don't have a clue as to why.
  13. Thanks bigmatt and fueler. I can front some money on these but people are known to back out so I'd like some money up front...we'll say half. Heard back from the supplier on these and we can do $100 on the spacers for 1" aluminum ones. If anyone has any pictures of the last ones I sent out that would be great. Haven't seen any since! I'll bill real shipping costs and can probably source the hardware again for you lazy people.
  14. I found another supplier that can help out for a decent cost. Let's do another run of spacers. These will either be 3/4" or 1". Aluminum. Cut with a Water-jet. I'm waiting to hear back on price from the supplier, but I'd guess these will be a little more expensive since I actually have to buy (full price) the 1" thick aluminum this time and it isn't cheap! I need to get a list going. PM me to get signed up. I can promise this will go through as long as we get as least 5 people to buy a set. THESE WILL RUN $100 FOR A PAIR (2).
  15. I thought about this same idea a while back. Good to see someone else doing it. The strut extension isn't going to give you any lift. It's just going to change how far the strut is extended at ride height. Like others have said though, make sure to put some form of limit strap on there since however long the strut extension is = that much in added downward travel.
  16. I am still willing to sell it. Got about 10 emails so far and haven't had time to respond to any. And if BernieMac reads this, I'm still working on getting back to you too. I promise I'm not the next Phil @ L&P, just busy as hell lately. Now that I think about it, you're probably talking about the locker.
  17. I'm still not opposed to selling my front bumper (ARB) if someone is willing to pay for it. It will probably need to get cut up with bigger tires so I might as well get a new bumper.
  18. I've got tons of pictures of mine, but here's a few that are already being hosted.
  19. I know this complicates things, but I managed to fit a 265/75/16 on an entirely stock suspension. No rubbing at all once I cut up the plastic wheel well liner up front.
  20. If you need a set of wheels and would like to keep it Nissan I need to get rid of some factory Pathfinder wheels off my 2000 SE.
  21. Wow, that's expensive! I bent one awhile back and paid to have it repaced. From what I remember, the arm itself was only $150 or so. I *think* it was a Nissan arm too, but I might be mistaken.
  22. Hey now...a new engie isn't $3000! I just found one for $550.
  23. I hadn't gotten a reminder that it was about to expire and it went away. It will most likely go back up soon.
  24. Everyone will tell you that it can't be done however I don't agree with it.
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