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    2000 SE Stock. Looking to Upgrade :D
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  1. You just didn't phrase it right. Tell her it's a safety issue. Explain that the shocks and springs are what keep your truck on the ground, and if they are wearing out, you can't get good traction. It's a very small investment for the safety and security of your family. TADA!
  2. I'm also looking at replacing my exhaust. Not because I want to, because I NEED to. I have a hole in my muffler I can stick a finger through, and inspection is due next month. I'm pretty sure that won't pass I'm looking at the Flowmasters as well, I want a deep, non ricer sound. Do the 2 into 1 mufflers mentioned earlier fit on the stock pipes spacing wise? And then you just need the reducers and a few muffler clamps? I just want to make sure I don't need any bent joints or anything.
  3. I got my air springs in, but I haven't gotten my new springs in yet, and I am going out of town next week. When I get back, I'll post some info about them when I get them on
  4. I don't know how good of shape your suspension is in, or how much money you are trying to put into this, but if its in good shape, and you are looking to go super cheap, I have heard very good things about air helper springs. I have not put them in my truck yet, but since I do some towing myself, and I am about to o a bunch of mods, I definitely plan on it. http://www.amazon.com/LIFT-60742-1000-Air-Spring/dp/B000BTK8WA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1270269060&sr=1-1
  5. Ac and heat. Where is this bower motor resistor?
  6. So my air conditioning currently has two settings. I, II, and III don't do anything, but IIII works. Could this just be a dirty contact problem? Can I just pull out the A/C module and clean the contacts on the switch?
  7. So, I posted this in the "which suspension package" pinned thread, but I figured I'd put it here too, since that thread is super old, and people have been paying attention to this one I have a 2000 SE with BFG A/T tires size 255/70 r16 on stock rims. 99% of my driving is on road, probably close to 50/50 highway/city. I tow my 6'x10' trailer for work, and sometimes for play, and try and keep it as evenly loaded over the axle as I can. I also have a hitch mount bicycle rack that probably weighs 70lbs that is on most of the summer. It can sometimes hold 150 lbs of bikes, and that is all way over the rear axle. I sometimes go on dirt or fire roads, and rarely go offroading (I'd like to more though) I use my truck A LOT, and for all the snow we had this winter here in VA, I was a family/friends shuttle service. My suspension is TOTALLY worn out, and almost dangerous to drive. I top and bottom out over every big bump, and skip around corners. With all that being said, here is what I am looking at installing. This will be done by a friend and I. (and by that, I mean I will provide the beer, and watch and pass him tools as necessary, he has a lot of mechanic experience) From Rocky Road Outfitters: 2x OME922 Rear Coil Spring 2x OME923 Heavy duty front spring 2x OMDN104 rear shock-medium. From Amazon: 1x KYB 335030 GR-2 Strut 1x KYB 335031 GR-2 Strut 1x AIR LIFT 60742 1000 Series Rear Air Spring Kit The air helper springs were suggested for when I am trailoring. Is there anything else I need? Will this do what I need it to do? And we are going to fix the exhaust with a piece of exhaust pipe and an exhaust tip. Hopefully, after all this, everything will be fixed, it will pass inspection, and I can get another 150k out of it!
  8. So I know this thread is old, but I'm posting here anyway I have read this entire thread, and it is like information overload! I have a 2000 SE with BFG A/T tires size 255/70 r16 on stock rims. 99% of my driving is on road, probably close to 50/50 highway/city. I tow my 6'x10' trailer for work, and sometimes for play, and try and keep it as evenly loaded over the axle as I can. I also have a hitch mount bicycle rack that probably weighs 70lbs that is on most of the summer. It can sometimes hold 150 lbs of bikes, and that is all way over the rear axle. I sometimes go on dirt or fire roads, and rarely go offroading (I'd like to more though) I use my truck A LOT, and for all the snow we had this winter here in VA, I was a family/friends shuttle service. My suspension is TOTALLY worn out, and almost dangerous to drive. I top and bottom out over every big bump, and skip around corners. With all that being said, here is what I am looking at installing. This will be done by a friend and I. (and by that, I mean I will provide the beer, and watch and pass him tools as necessary, he has a lot of mechanic experience) From Rocky Road Outfitters: 2x OME922 Rear Coil Spring 2x OME923 Heavy duty front spring 2x OMDN104 rear shock-medium. From Amazon: 1x KYB 335030 GR-2 Strut 1x KYB 335031 GR-2 Strut 1x AIR LIFT 60742 1000 Series Rear Air Spring Kit The air helper springs were suggested for when I am trailoring. Is there anything else I need? Will this do what I need it to do? Thanks!
  9. Interesting about the wheels. The AC page says that they are required. I am rubbing now with my stock set up and bigger tires, but only in reverse at lock (both ways). Maybe I'll try my wheels with the new setup and see what happens. It won't hurt anything, will it?
  10. Thanks for the info on the resonator, seems like I'm going to save myself some money and just get a piece of pipe! For springs, even at $75, it seems cost effective to go with an AC lift. $300 for springs, ~$250 for cheap shocks and struts, I'm only $150 away from the lift kit. The only thing I'm hesitant about with it is getting new wheels. Why are new wheels required? Do the stock wheels rub the struts? Are spacers an acceptable route, or should I just get cheap steel wheels?
  11. Hello everyone! I'm back! I've been gone for quite awhile, but now I'm back. The status of my truck is pretty sad. I never got around to doing a lift, the shocks and struts are TOTALLY worn out, my exhaust is falling off, etc. I've been planning to fix it for awhile now, and today I got around to doing it (almost). I am pretty strapped for cash, and was just going to upgrade the stock parts and add airbags in the back for towing. My buddy and I went to the auto parts store, ordered the shocks, and then went down to the stealership to order some springs. They quoted me $175 EACH! My buddy got us an employee discount through one of his friends and they still came to $125! Shouldn't springs be like $50?! Why are they so expensive? Now I see why the lift is so expensive. So now I am just thinking of ordering the lift from 4x4parts.com, since it's cheaper than getting all new stock stuff. The only problem I have is the wheels. I still have stock wheels, but I do have BFG A/Ts. Since the lift will not work with stock tires, what are some good cheap steel tires? Or should I go with spacers? And on the exhaust, does the resonator actually do anything, or just make it quieter? That is what has rusted off, and instead of spending the $100 to fix it, I could just spend a few bucks on some pipe and an exhaust tip and call it done. I don't care about noise, and I can reset the computer by disconnecting the battery, and it will compensate for backpressure, right? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  12. I have the nice Nissan rubber floor mats, wear a size 13 shoe, and the area for the foot controls is too cramped. Where that hump comes out on the right side is right where I want to put my foot, but instead, it has to be angled in a little bit with my heel to the right. This puts all the pressure on the back right side of my heel, and my foot hurts like crazy after every time I drive, and while I am driving. Has anyone else experienced this, and have a fix? Thanks! --Mike
  13. Well, I have BFG All Terrain LT 255/70 R16's on stock wheels. They rub in reverse with the wheels cranked, but besides that, they are great. Will the OME or AC lift work with those tires on stock wheels?
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