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What could be leaking?


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Hey everyone,

I went to change the oil on my 1995 Path yesterday (163,000 miles, and I am the orig owner) When I got under the truck, I noticed that is was wet with oil under there. Except that I don't think it is oil. The wet area was near/on the front diff, and it was a clear fluid, so I have ruled out motor oil, and anti-freeze. I know that my PS pump is on it's way out, because it moans and groans on cold days (and now even on spring days) but that fluid looks dark, and the res is not empty. So what might my Path be leaking? Any ideas


Thank you,


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When was the last time you checked your power steering fluid? it sounds like it's low if it's moaning and groaning. Where at your front diff is this fluid? Have you checked your coolant level? I'd say clean the fluid off, let it dry, let the truck run and see where the fluid is coming from.


edit: MZ beat me P...

Edited by Cuong Nguyen
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whats it smell like...gear oil is nasty i dont think pws has a distinct smell but u could def rule out gear oil...as well and possibly everything...


how are the brakes b/c when my master cylinder started going out it would shoot fluid and coat everything below it...

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