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How many are cosidering ditching their Pathy?


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i definitely agree that free press can be a double edge sword but i'll take it over propaganda or deceit.


the example you mention is not really journalism and that's what bothers me about the media here.. murders and all that crap is not really news.. there is time for constraint.. either the cops need to keep it under wraps (but then we know what can happen) or the media needs to show better judgment.. hope the station had to at least pay some fines.. that's aiding and abetting a criminal!


sorry about the smoking thing but i get a bit riled up when this stuff comes up.. not meant to be taken personally.

Edited by mzxtreme
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btw. i can't believe that you're still tooting the WMDs, even shrub admitted that there aren't any. :mellow:

I don't recall him ever saying that but I could certainly be wrong. I know that there were lots and lots of findings that could be attributed to their existance but, like the reports reported... there was no definitive evidence found during the commissions investigation into it.


Personally... if there's a duck nest and duck feathers and duck poop and duck egg shells, there's more than likely a duck around, even if I don't see it. Missiles equiped to deliver Sarin, hidden bunkers, inspectors delayed at plants during surprise visits, prior history of having/using them, undisputed fact that they have the technology, missing items from the reports... looks like there's ducks to me :)


on the other hand... it could certainly be an interesting set of coincidences.


Oh well... we all have our beliefs and we don't live in New Orleans. Good enough for me.

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i actually am pretty sure they had them.. like i said rummy was there in the 80s selling them stuff to combat the spread of iranian revolution. the main point being WE sSOLD it to them.. now, how would that look.. hmm?


there is also this thing called posturing.. which Saddam was a master of.

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true. A buddy of mine over there believes that, after insisting that they didn't have any, they couldn't then use them against the baghdad invasion forces or he' dhave to admit that he lied. He believes that the damage he could do with the weapons was far less effective than maintaining the stance that the US was there unjustly and that the people should support the resistance. Now there's a posture (if it was true)

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Yes, I agree, it is interesting if I agree with it or not. Everyone as good points and are missing some tidbits of information that would influence their opinion. Lets face it, none of us has all the REAL information so this is all just shades of gray. I'll chime in a bit more when I have the time.

The "Shut the F up's" were unnecessary though...



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my sources tell me that Iran is the one that has/had mustard gas and not Iraq... Alqeada was never in Iraq untill we ivited them in by attacking their mortal enemy SH.. the WMD hunters have gound nothing, NOTHING! read their report.. also read the UNSCOM report on pre-war assesment of Iraq's WMD capabilities.. they didn't have any.


the reasons for the war has been shifty the whole time just like the shrub himself.. sometimes oil men want more oil... this war was at least stupid and a huge waste of life and effort.. we sent these young men to the sand box to die intead of having them help out on the Katrina disaster and of course there is that 300billion bucks that is just being burried in the sand..


next thing you'll tell us that the economy is just peachy... smoke up my firend.. smoke up.


i suggest you read up more on the MiddleEast and oil because you seem to know something but i am just not sure what the heck it is.. US intel is/was a joke.

Dont baffle him with facts MZ. He is trying to baffle us with bullsh!t.


US intel was true and to the point as far as I can gather. What was not was the Bush Admin and the way they manipulated the facts. The same thing happened here. We even had one guy (Andrew Wilkie) that was high up in the chain of intel quit his job and exposed the Governments manipulation of information. Still, with 90% of the population against the pending war our Government took us there. When we will ever get out is another story. The only thing that the coalition of the killing managed to do was make newer stronger enemies and put the OPEC countries in a perminate state of uncertainty.


Did you notice he could not post up one link to support anything. Enough said!

Edited by Vsicks Pathy
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