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okay so i ahve been looking all over


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What do you need to know?


I'll assume your are ticking... if the tick goes away right after or soon after starting then your probably ok... they are just draining but they do refill.

If the tick stays, then first make sure it's not the exhaust that is ticking. If your sure that it is a lifter(s) then get a stethoscope and pinpoint which one(s) , call the dealer, pick some up and replace them.

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Hey I just found this, maybe it's what you were looking for:


lifter discussion


I'm getting ready to pull my covers off to investigate a clacking sound... lifter, loose rockerarm or something.




I also found this, and I'll give it some thought:


The things with cams is you need to know what the specs are, Also you need to adjust the timing using the 0.050" rule. This is the most important thing when installing new cams.


All machines have some backlash in them so it is very important to check the cam timing when you install them and you may need to use new multi key cam pulleys.


If you use the standard pulleys the timing may be out which can cause the cam to fall over not giving the desired performance.


When buying cams you need to look at the power curves. Lumpy cams generally will up the horse power further up the rev range.


My personal opinion would to buy cams that have an improved torque curve rather than horsepower for an off road vehicle.


Remember that when you replace the cams you MUST replace your lifters and run them in. In the engines that I have built for my race and road cars I have always started the engine and straight away reved the engine to 3000rpm and held it there for 15-20 minutes. Then let the engine return to idle for 5 minutes.


Then I switch the car off and let it cool down a little then change the oil.


I hope this helps a little.



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