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Armada or Xterra


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last night we heard all kinds of sirens and then a bunch of news choppers and was curious to what it was...and finding out he got hit by a train and where it was i said 2 things eiher he was playing in the gravel (which is stuipid b/c its a concrete yard and its right on the tracks and theres not a whole lot of room and just 1 good size pile...or he was drunk and did something stupid...and it was the latter


heres the article with a video after the live shot they go to stuff from last night...i love the school bus blowing over the tracks without stopping in the live shot...



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Not sure what the attraction is with being piss drunk in a car/4-wheeling/driving where you feel like it.
































BTW...I think it used to be an X :confused:

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thats what i was thinking it was as well...is it darwinim...only the strongest survive...well idiots need to be considered weak...


he could have quite possibly missed the turn...b/c right there its a very sharp curve and theres a road on 1 side of all those big concrete blocks and the RR tracks are on the other side and that road runs up to behind the abc store and a gas station so he might have just gone straight on the tracks and never even turned...


some1 needs to go the hospital and put a boot in his ass...


if i ever did something like that i would have stood back watched ran like hell got a friend to take me home and report it stolen in the am (not that thats any better) but i sure as hell aint gonna sit in my truck while a train is coming...

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ran like hell got a friend to take me home and report it stolen in the am (not that thats any better) but i sure as hell aint gonna sit in my truck while a train is coming...


That's fraud, Bub :aok:

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very true hince the (not that thats any better)


but really i would have just run away from the scene and then u get a C&R and whatever fine is with having a car on the tracks (attempt of terrorism?) and no dui...


but i dont put myself in those situations so i dont need to worry about that...


just amazes me at what people do and get themselves into....

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last night we heard all kinds of sirens and then a bunch of news choppers and was curious to what it was...and finding out he got hit by a train and where it was i said 2 things eiher he was playing in the gravel (which is stuipid b/c its a concrete yard and its right on the tracks and theres not a whole lot of room and just 1 good size pile...or he was drunk and did something stupid...and it was the latter


heres the article with a video after the live shot they go to stuff from last night...i love the school bus blowing over the tracks without stopping in the live shot...



Pretty silly. In the train world we see it all the time.


BTW, the school bus was OK, it was a gated and lighted crossing (unless there is a law there that school buses must stop at ALL railway crossings).


Check this thread out for more train/vehicle interaction:



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(unless there is a law there that school buses must stop at ALL railway crossings).


i believe if im not mistaken in NC they have to stop for all tracks (i've even been on shuttle busses that did the same...maybe that was just them being cautious...

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i believe if im not mistaken in NC they have to stop for all tracks (i've even been on shuttle busses that did the same...maybe that was just them being cautious...

Around here it is only un-guarded crossings, but do not know about there.

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