I have a 95 2wd pathfinder with a VG30E 213300 and on start up there is a rattle like tinging noise from the front of the engine, NOTE the more I take off the more I replace since everything is original lol so I'm in no rush to tear it down immediately so never hurts to bounce some ideas around... It is due for new belts.... As it warms up it gets better no misfires or hard starting either... After 45 seconds quiets down to normal.(tinging -rattling stops) The pulleys are ok but weathered, nothing crazy loud except the.a.c compressor and that's a different tick or tinging. A.c clutch is noisy but works... It all quiets down after a 45 to 55 seconds..Oil pressure is great, no codes thrown for anything except gas cap which is now fixed. Transmission has codes havent sat down long enough to.look at it yet.