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Posts posted by FUELER

  1. by the way - i remember a few years ago i made a similar thread asking about how to change a VG33 fan clutch, and i mentioned that i got a bunch of dirt in my eyes from doing this job, and you (xplorx4) told a story of how you always wear goggles because once you got a metal shaving in yoru eye and it caused a "corneal rust ring" and an eye doc had to basically take a dremel to your eyeball!!


    I never forgot this story and i am always very careful with my eyes now, whenever im under the old R50


    and i can change a fan clutch with my eyes closed now!! (no pun intended)

  2. ive been using an autozone "TORQFLO" fan clutch, as recommended to me by "BURGPATH" several years ago


    i believe it ran me about $60 or $70


    it blows harder than stock, for sure, and comes with a lifetime warranty.



    It did eventually fail after 3 years of hard use, (much shorter life than stock - possibly because it engages much harder than stock) but autozone gave me a brand new one for no additional cost (aren't lifetime warrantys great??) so i cant complain much about that.



    it blows so hard, my qx4 sounds like it has a turbo whenever my ac is on, or, if its over 85* outside. Last time i went camping, i pulled up to the camping site and one of my friends, who works on cars, says to me "whoa why is your engine fan blowing so hard???"


    i recommend it for performance but not so much for longetivity

  3. i always thought my vg33 qx4 was gutless, until i drove an xterra. that thing has no power and terrible on-road handling, but they can be modified pretty good for off-road....

  4. Is anybody here into toy remote-control cars?



    If so, post up what you got!


    I have a Associated 1:10 truck, nitro, it runs like a bat out of hell and can stand up wheelies while already running at speeds of 40+ mph


    Great for hitting up local canyons and getting that off-road fix in your system, without having to drive 2+ hours to your nearest 4x4 trail :)





  5. hah one time i had a honda minivan tailgating me quite seriously, and she was even honking the horn as if i should close up the gap in front of me. (i always maintain a gap in front of me) keep in mind this was in medium freeway traffic in a really hectic section. i could see her freaking out, waving her hands in the air with anger...


    so i slammed on the brakes, only for a brief moment, but just enough to show her how good my Brembo discs / HPS pad cambo works. Locked up my 32" BFG's at 60 mph! You should have seen the look of shock on her face. Her eyes were wide open as dinner plates and her mouth was gaping open.


    She backed off right away :jig:

  6. SNAFU is an acronym meaning "Situation Normal; All fskced Up". The acronym is believed to have originated in the US Army during World War II.


    In modern usage, "snafu" is often used as an interjection, as a shorthand for the sentiment expressed by the phrase. "Snafu" is also sometimes used as a noun or verb, referring to a situation that suddenly goes awry or gets screwed up, or to the cause of the trouble. For example, the May 19th, 2005 edition of The New York Times had an article titled, "Hospital Staff Cutback Blamed for Test Result Snafu."[2] The piece described a mix up with cancer screenings that occurred at a hospital because the facility didn't have enough workers to process the tests.


    I have the 4x4parts rear split bushings. We destroyed a 10,000 lb hydraulic press trying to get the old bushings out though! the second press finally did the trick.

  7. I think that something else caused the improvement in mpg and you're just trying to find justification for the skids :) There is no physical reason why the addition of skidplates would improve wind resistance on a modern vehicle designed in a wind tunnel.



    you have obviously never seen the underside of an R50 without a skid plate


    theres a whole bunch of non-aerodynamic stuff exposed without a skid (subframe, etc)

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