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Posts posted by crazyhayseed

  1. I started poking around my junk 240 motor today and realized that it's TB is about 5mm bigger than the VG30's. So I swapped them.


    It took a little modification. I literally had to install it upside down, so it opens in the opposite direction. I had to reroute the cooling lines and get creative with the throttle cable.


    The TPS looks like it's the same. It has the same serial number stamped on it as the VG's.


    The throttle response is better, but I've still got to iron out the idle. It's running at about 15-20k at the moment.


    This will either end in disaster, or help me to suck down even more gas in traffic... :FartExplode-vi: Here's some quick pics:








    I'll take some comparison shots in the morning.

  2. Does anyone know a part No. or where I can find the little ears that mount the stereo head unit to the dash in a 94-95?


    Apparently the previous owner took them with him when he removed is radio. I've checked my local JY, but finding such a specific year is a trick.


    I have a diagram from the FSM, but no luck on the aftermarket. The Scosche kit is a joke.


    Any other ideas would be helpful.

  3. I think Garrett's "Disco Potato" (GT2860RS) would be good with the 2.4 in terms of lag, but I dunno if it would give you the high torque that a truck requires.


    In off-roading, I would imagine that you need to make high numbers in the low end. Is there any type of forced induction that can promise that?

  4. It just seems to me that, in terms of after market support and mod/dollar to output ratio, the KA is the better of the two motors. I was really surprised at what low numbers the VG is rated stock.


    I don't see why the KA24DE wouldn't mount in place of the 24E. The trick would be in the tranny I suppose. That, and the differentials. I get the impression that the VG has the better of the two there.


    The four banger has to better on gas as well.


    Again, I'm not really including forced induction here. I mean overall performance ability.

  5. People often disconnect the snorkel from the airbox for everyday driving, and hook 'em up when it's playin time.


    That's a good idea.


    It would be neat to find a way to valve it so that there wouldn't be much involved other than pulling a lever or flipping a switch... Kinda like the exhaust bypass that JC Whitney used to sell.

    Tricky part would be making it water tight.




    I hope my last post wasn't too offensive BTW. I didn't mean to come off that way. :hide:

  6. also i will have the first 90* turn where the hole is and just mount it along the pillar, and then leave the snorkel pointed towards the rear of the pathy....


    I'm kinda new to the whole Pathfinder thing, so maybe physics are different for trucks, but I learned with my other Nissans (B13, S13) that air flow doesn't like 90° bends very much and that they should be avoided whenever possible.


    Also, I've found that bigger is usually better. The truck pictured is using tiny diameter pipe. My 1.6 Sentra breathed through more than that. The 180° bend on the end is just scary.

    Props for the effort, I'll bet it works great for fording creeks, but that can't be helping power much.



    I think home brew is a good thing, but give it more thought. Do you really want your V6 breathing through a straw?

  7. Poke around on AC (4x4parts.com) for pics and swap part info.


    Thanks! Lots of info once you decipher their seach feature.


    This is much more doable then I was afraid of, however there are a few more parts than I thought.


    courtesyparts.com has everything required, though I'll probably just hit the JY.


    Here's their diagram showing the difference between Sealed and Composite mounts:






    The guys @ AC talk like the sealed type is a better light. Fact or opinion?

  8. Big Rock will be closing the 4x4 Area as of the end of 2007, due to lack of interest. We will be all quad and bike again.

    Thanks to all the 4x4 people who came while it was open.


    Not trying to be a wiseass, but this is from the link you posted. Am I visiting the wrong site?





    Ya, every town around here has a name like this. Leestown, Waynesburg.... I refer to them all as Bob's-town, which is what it all equates to.


    It's fun to see someone so excited about it though. I can send you a postcard if you like.

  9. It has been done a few times. Just need to get the parts, basically the mount buckets, lights and wiring. The radiator support is the same so all the mount points are there.


    That doesn't sound so bad. The mounts are only around $21.


    I sure wish I could find some pis before I jump in. There's plenty of slammed HBs out there with them, but they're a slim basis of comparison.


    I guess imagination will have to do. I'll update once I've started.

  10. check out the KY links. hillzandhollarz is out of biz right now, as far as i know. and i ment big rocks instead of painted rocks. sry

    yeah, i don't get that part.. the wet counties get all the money.. everytime i am donw there in the vicinity of a dry county and i stop to fill up, everybody is getting cases upon cases of all sorts of booze and then hauls it all to the dry county.. most of those i guys are already blitz upon arrival to the liquor store..


    and 'shiners will shoot your arse faster then the pot farmers.


    Oops! It looks like Big Rock is closed to 4x4s, but Hills&Hollers looks good for '08. Thanks for the links.



    It's the Baptist T-totalers that pushed out liquor. Oddly enough, it wasn't until after the prohibition had ended, contrary to logic. Danville actually had bars on Main Street back in the 40's from what I understand.


    I’m really getting sick of the dualistic bible thumpers around here, but that's a topic for somewhere else. :sssh:

  11. After having seen cars literally ripped apart at the boarder crossing at San Yosidro, I can honesty advise that nothing is safe from law enforcement.


    If you've got something illegal to transport, your biggest worry should be yourself. You (mannerisms, speech, etc.) will be the first sign to a policeman that something is wrong, and you won't be able to hide anything from the dogs.


    So just stay cool and lock everything in your glove box like a normal, law-abiding citizen.

  12. Harlan is maybe 3h from you. it's killer. there is painted rocks NE of LEX.. LBL in western KY. Slade in red river gourge but i hear it's very very muddy and very tough... i am sure there are other not so offical locations around the state too.. it is KY afterall.. becareful though.. stills abound.

    another quick note: Harlan and around LBL are all dry counties. not sure about the others..


    Oh, that whole "dry" thing is a pet peeve of mine. Danville just went "moist" (meaning they can sell alcohol in restaurants, but nowhere else) a short time ago.

    Not that it stopped this place from being eaten up with drunks....


    Stills? You mean Moonshiners? I'm more worried about the dope growers!

    Shiners are businessman, Dopers are plain crazy. Too much "Copperhead Road" I think.


    Does Painted Rocks have an official site? I'd never heard of that one.

  13. because KY sucks so hard. :D :D

    seriously though.. love the bluegrass state. :)


    Funny. :puterpunch:



    Actually, I'm a CA native (Merced to be precise). KY drives me crazy most days. It'll never be home, but the cost of living is cheap and the pay is good, so here I am.


    Plus, we've got Harlan County, which looks awesome. I can't wait to have the truck ready to go!


    My wife was born and raised in San Diego/Chula Vista. She's never been camping and our one real off-road trip in the last pathy terrified her. It's gonna be a blast doing it again.


    Now I just need to find some good trail buddies to roll with...



    (Wow, no Ninja Edit here huh? Brutal!)

  14. Oooh. Well thanks for that.


    So how hard a task are we talking? Just source the lights and the buckets then work out the wiring, or will it turn into a welding affair? Do the two use different radiator supports?


    Is this why I haven't seen it done (too much of a PITA)? Are the HB lights inferior?

  15. (I searched and found noth'n, though I can't imagine that this is an original question...)


    So, as far as the FSM shows, the Pathfinder and the Hardbody sport the same grill (Type 1 or 2).

    Does anyone know of any reason a Phantom Grill for the HB wouldn't fit the WD21?


    Has this been done? Pics or links?



    I think the truck would look absolutely trick with a black powder coat grill behind and ARB bumper and big driving lights.

    :ph33r: <--Like this in reverse.

  16. Thank you for the reply. I can't find the mate to that plug. I was studying the diagrams for awhile and I think the plug goes to the knock sensor, but I can't imagine that I pulled it out because it's way down there on top of the cylinder block (under the 6 hole metal thing where the plenum chamber mates to.) I searched for a loose connector for almost 2 hours and can't for the life of me find it.


    This is the second time I'm trying to find where that plug goes to. I drove a good 6 thousand miles with it not plugged and noticed that the truck would idle kind of erratically. Sometimes the engine would die at idle if driven hard. I changed everything and cleaned out everything too, so I'm guessing the culprit is that black plug. Not sure... my mechanic told me there's a leak somewhere that's causing the truck to idle like that. (MAF sensor cleaned... the EGR or PCV Valve (the thing that screws into the Plenum to control idle is clean too).


    IACV maybe? Pics would help.

  17. The drive shaft hoop is there just to retain the drive shaft should it pop off the front end. Retains it so it wont make a hell of a mess underneath, and if there wasnt a cross member under it, it would also prevent it from dropping to the road, digging in and tossing the truck over. I have seen this happen many years ago with a car as it was passing me on the highway. I dont know who got th biggest fright, me or him. All of a sudden this car was beside me, then it launched itself like a rocket!


    Wow! I've never heard of such. Scary to say the least.


    Thanks for the heads up!

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