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Everything posted by daftpup

  1. Grilled these up tonite and they were a hit. Teriyaki Turkey Burgers with Wasabi Mayo 1 1/2 lbs ground turkey 2 garlic cloves(remember daftpup's garlic rule) 1 T fresh ginger, grated(I'm not a big ginger guy so I used 1 tsp of the jar stuff) 1/4 C thick teriyaki sauce 3 green onions 1/4 C toasted sesame seeds 1/2 C bread crumbs 1/2 C mayo 1 t wasabi paste(I couldn't find the paste so I just mixed wasabi powder into the mayo) Mix turkey, garlic, ginger, teriyaki suace, green onions, sesame seeds and bread crumbs. Make 6 patties. Mix mayo and wasabi and spread it on toasted buns. Top with sliced cucumber and arugula and watercress.(I couldn't find arugula or watercress so I used romaine) Try it...you'll like it
  2. LOL. Homer plus John Wayne is a logical equation isn't it? I also like the crosseyed look...very apropos for him. I'm admittedly ignorant about the US political system(and politics in general) and don't get how a guy does 2 terms when it seems like most Americans dislike him...and/or Cheney and/or Rumsfeld
  3. Considering all the global unrest and the Middle East in particular...I'd have trepidation as well. Like you say, do lots of research and ask anyone who knows or has been there, lots of questions.
  4. right back atcha Dogggrorwozin...er...um
  5. Tee Hee... " stimulus check " Up'n here we call that FOOD dude.....may contain Rapalas, Wigglers and/or some such nonsense :tonguefinger: READ .............boooooobery!!
  6. daftpup


    Thanks Tex and Slick...you guys are aces! I havn't had a good birthday since my early 30's. Anywho, I woke up in Winnipeg but will go to sleep in BC so it's a good day. I'm out here for a week helping Mom with maintenance on her place. Tomorrow it's Mom day brunch and then sailing on the strait. I will upload pics later. Peace
  7. Gonna do a new rad and get a real roof rack
  8. Well, you were right uncc. She's already leakin like a 2 bit hooker during shore leave. Found some on ebay anywhere from $70 to $130. Got my guy comparing those to local prices...
  9. Dude...if these guys were worried about mileage they'd have bought a Neon.
  10. Paint it Black...sonny Jim's playing it on the piano
  11. I'm with you...wait a couple weeks after you move and then F--K with their world. Haunt the B------S til your satisfied.
  12. Not even if they were edible buddy
  13. lol Nissyota said "dragging"
  14. yoyo mofo...where y'all hang your hat?
  15. Far out man. Good story. I had to laugh at the acronym for Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. I could of used some ''maps"on a couple of my trips.
  16. Gotcha. I didn't think that stuff was meant for exterior applications tho.
  17. Your English is fine man. Not sure what you mean by carbon film but I'm thinking the sun would wreak havoc on it after a while.
  18. Mine don't even register cuz it's too cold here
  19. daftpup


    SHOCKS!? We don't need no steenking shocks!
  20. My truch was able to make the missus resent the Hell out of it and everywhere it goes
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