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Everything posted by RCAR50

  1. We love a warm rain. Enjoy your beverage and hopefully some lightening. ..
  2. Ok. I give up.... I'm going to download all the bestest apps that make my pathy the best and not share them with anybody. ... Hahahaha J/k .I just thought this would be a cool collection of tools we use.
  3. So the two apps I downloaded are not very good. The inclinometer app says I'm about to tip over anytime I accelerate or turn too quickly. I feel like I'm talking to myself here....
  4. So I was wondering what folks here are using as far as off road GPS or trip records. I like having a log of where I've been, I just think it's interesting. I always have my Garmin Nuvi on board along with my phone and have recently downloaded "My Tracks" and "Trail Offroad" from the play store. I haven't had a chance to use either but they look somewhat useful. I have always liked the idea of an inclinometer but never had one. Anybody find them useful, I like it just for the idea of knowing how extreme of an angle your on at the time, not really for avoiding a roll over...more just for story telling and fun. As far as maps go, I usually just stumble across trails and if needed follow my GPS trail back to civilization. Another member has recently suggested I look into a book or two from Tony Huegel that maps numerous trails and off road trip directions, I have yet to do so, but that got me thinking that there has to be a few real good apps or gadgets out there that are useful when wheelin. Anyway, just thought it would be nice to share what we use while out on the trail...so let's hear em'!
  5. Sounds like something I'll have to look into for sure. Whereabouts are you located? Some coastal trails sound like a very fun weekend. BTW...is that pic of your dog? Looks like a biggin'. We love pits...
  6. Let my 16 year old daughter drive it while camping. ..it was her first teeter. ..
  7. The Psychopathy rolled 250,000 last week ...
  8. Running with Jeeps? Better bring the tow straps. . JK I'm not prejudice, but I long line of pathys chugging along some wooded or rocky trail sounds like fun. Just too bad there's no one in my hood that knows some good spots.
  9. Drove it to work as usual, parked it just a little outta line to be different from the rest of the people parked there as usual, and paused for a second every time I walked past the door to admire it....as usual...
  10. We didn't get to do much wheelin' but I snapped a few pics while gathering some wood....
  11. Hey Dudu, that is a beautiful area? And one Hell of a nice Pathy...
  12. We're camping this weekend and where there is camping there are trails...8o) So I'll have some more pics up next week.
  13. Yes it is time. I just throw those on for fun. It also makes it easier to see which pictures I'm wanting to upload to the 'bucket when trying to post on this site.
  14. I don't think anyone's ever told this truck that it's a 2wd and I'm not about to. Surprises me every time we take it out.
  15. And a couple shots from our last wheelin' trip.
  16. Here's a pic of my pathys new nameplate. ...
  17. Sounds like a good idea. If anyone else from the mid/northern area want to meet up let a brotha know. I just got back from San Francisco (3.5 hour drive) this truck ran so well. I just need some tires and I'll go just about anywhere.
  18. Man, I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I really don't know much of this area as far as off road. I was hoping someone close would pop up and have a suggestion. Hope your trip went well. ..
  19. That's only 8hrs or so...plenty of time to get here by the weekend..
  20. Drove mine to work and back as I do every day...paved both ways unfortunately ..
  21. Looking to see if anyone wants to get off road this coming Sunday March 29th. I'm 2wd, but I'll try anything if there's someone else there to help me out of jams, or just a nice trail ride with the family and dogs... Anyone interested, chime in with ideas..
  22. It's been awhile now and to be honest I don't think I feel a difference in every day on road driving. My wife swears she feels the body swaying on normals turns and she doesn't like it. I'm thinking of putting it back on to see if she notices. I haven't been off road yet, just too busy. Wish I could be more informative...I'll let you guys know how it goes and if I get off road anytime soon, might be awhile so don't hold your breath.
  23. Very nice looking Pathy Whatch! My philosophy is simple The more pics the better! Get it out there and seen, its a sweet ride..
  24. I haven't driven it yet besides re-parking it, but I actually noticed the best example of the results after parking it and was heading inside, I glanced back at it (as I always find myself doing as I walk away from it, I really like this truck) and noticed it leaning downhill. Just as kdj explained above, this will allow the body to lean more and not be forced to stay parallel with the axle which will be beneficial off road. This is my nightly parking spot High side...notice the amount of wheel well above the rear tire... and the low side... I'll report after I drive it, though off road will have to wait until next weekend
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