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Status Updates posted by NissanNismoZ

  1. i hate you too, tension rod. -.-

    1. Harbinger


      I'm hating mine right now too.

    2. Tungsten
  2. I think i broke pathy..:(

  3. I think i'm low on turn signal fluid.. How do i know when i need to flush and replace?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OldSlowReliable


      and pick up a can of elbow grease to make the job a lot easier!

    3. Tungsten


      Have you checked that muffler bearing lately?

    4. NissanNismoZ


      yeah..i think ill need to replace my fluid then.. coz they flash faster than a pathy on nitrous!

      My spark plug gaps are bad..but ill let them be for now. Elbow grease?! I have 44 cans of that stuff. :P

      Actually..todayi found out my muffler bearing is in BAD shape..


  4. If it's not a Pathy with no power, its a pathy with no reverse..new pathy is powerful but not looking so good now..:/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tungsten


      At this point in time there is just going to be something wrong.

    3. rwd5021


      Time for a tranny trade

    4. Towncivilian


      done a fluid exchange yet?

  5. It's amazing what a dirty EGR valve can do...

    1. Tungsten


      It's amazing what no EGR valve can do. :) You should be fine if you run a BPT valve though.

    2. NissanNismoZ


      I would run no EGR if i could disable the code for it. what does the BPT valve do anyway?


    3. Tungsten


      Reduces the EGR operation significantly. The engine doesn't suck in more than it needs for cleaner emissions.

  6. It's hard to weld your frame if its so thin it wants to weld straight through...:/

    1. NissanNismoZ


      so far we're successful though!

    2. Nefarious


      scary stuff ... im about to fix a crack in the rear of my frame and about a 2x3" section of the bottom of the rail that is missing, right by the panhard frame mount. should be fun to fix, at least its the only rust on the frame!!


    3. NissanNismoZ


      mine is along the driver side.. and a small spot on the passenger side..so far no body rust..thankfully. :) Just have to see about getting the rust spots on the frame fixed and i'm good!

  7. Just Envying Every Pathfinder... how's that sound for a window sticker in a county full of lifted jeeps?

  8. Just got flipped off for flooring it past a grandma going 35 in a 55...she's so hard core... O.o

    1. Slartibartfast


      This used to be a nice neighborhood until the grans moved in.

    2. NissanNismoZ


      hahaha!! That's funny.

  9. Just realized my fog lights are crooked.. time to go fix them!

  10. Just realized pathy doesnt have front coil springs...how the heck do you lift the front end then??

    1. OldSlowReliable


      Although this is written just about everywhere on this site, look up a torsion bar IFS. It uses metal bars with splines, and the twist these bars allow gives it the "spring". By cranking/adjusting this system to preset at a higher level, you lift it, but you must replace the upper control arms with aftermarket to maintain proper balljoint alignment.

    2. NissanNismoZ



      I've looked at the stuff on T-bars..but never completely understood what they did..thanks for clearing that up for me! :)

      I just remember reading how to index them.. thanks!

  11. just recruited 5 people...so far it looks like they'll be joining! :D

  12. Knock sensor replacement...'nuff said.

    1. theexbrit


      I feel your pain....

  13. Looks like ill be selling both beasts..Cant afford to keep them up anymore, and end up getting something cheaper on gas and more reliable.. :/

    1. 92Path_68CJ


      I know the feeling man, I'm parting my 92 right now.

      It was in my family since I was born.

      It ain't fun at all.

    2. The_Magicians_Eye
    3. Tungsten
  14. maybe i fixed it..for good. :D

    1. nunya


      hit it with a hammer?

    2. NissanNismoZ


      deadblow hammer, of course! :D

      nahhh. i pushed n played around with my MAF wires..so far so good. :P



  15. Missed a deer by a foot..if it werent for the new brakes life would have really been sucking right now...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NissanNismoZ


      The deer didn't have insurance

    3. nunya


      but you coulda had some jerky



    4. PaMountianbiker


      I like jerky !!!

  16. my blinkers actually click loud enough to hear when its cold out!

    1. Reshma


      XD i never hear mine cuz i always have music blasting. Sometimes i end up driving miles down the freeway with the blinker running. XD

    2. NissanNismoZ


      so it was YOU!


    3. Reshma


      XD yes...yes it was. :)

  17. Nevermind on the last comment..I'm changing it ALL over to LED's on the exterior..I'm supposing eBay LED's (at least 8 LED's per bulb) would be good?

    1. Tungsten


      remember to get something with a load coil when doing the turn signals so that you don't get flashers on hyper-speed

  18. New vacuum lines can work wonders....

  19. next project....push button start!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NissanNismoZ


      if you do, make sure you include a write up! would you wire it up through the relay...or what?

    3. Tungsten


      Do you mean remote start or a button on the dash board? If you want to start from a button on the dash and not from the key just don't do it. PM me and I will explain why.

    4. Reshma


      Well the old truck you had to put a key in then push a little red button and she would fire right up. :)

  20. No.please don't tel me I'm about to have speedometer problems...

  21. now all i have left is to fix my speed sensor code and ill be a lot happier.

  22. Objects in mirror are losing

    1. silverton


      *appear to be losing.

    2. nunya


      *are in the process of easily passing you


    3. Tungsten
  23. Oh how i despise you, CEL.. You dont know my hatred for you...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NissanNismoZ


      nooo, that would kill my soul knowing something isn't right.. its like its haunting me, coz i was on my way back home with it on n i was like Well, looks like ill have to tell NPORA on you again.. then a few seconds later, it went off.

    3. Towncivilian


      It took me 4 years for my bulb to burn out. It haunted me with its orange "fiery gates of hell" glare.

    4. NissanNismoZ


      i dont want mine to burn out lol

      but nice usage of words ;)


  24. Oh yeah..32 x 11.50 Remington Mud Brute..all for pathy. Cant wait to put the bigger JGC springs in, crank the t-bars and put on the new tires. :)

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