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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. DJ is in for tomorrow too. I've got 3 more guys bringing up their trucks from school so we'll have seven rigs this time. My buddy Kyle is bringing his video camera too. :cool2: See you guys at 10. Oli -bounce-
  2. Oh yeah, I totally forgot about this. Added, and in the right town too!
  3. Excellent. So we have Casey T. Revco and me. I'll ask around here and maybe scrounge up a Dakota, Wrangler, Trooper and Blazer if I can.
  4. Hey, if Saturday doesn't work for everyone how about Sunday?? Or hell, how about both??
  5. Oliver


    Holy flirking shnit! That was about the funniest thing I have ever read. I do love the way you dispatched that unholy beast. Hope it all goes together well.
  6. I'm down for it for sure. I could probably bring some people from Eastern too. I'll pm DJ and see if he's in. How does 10am sound?
  7. Hey, how does this Saturday the 19th sound? Any takers?? -bounce-
  8. Heck yeah we should. Where is Lakewood by the way? Sometime I want to go down to Oregon and check out the dunes at Sand lake, I think its called.
  9. D'oh! I added but I mis-typed my Zip code and it put me in some town I've never heard of.
  10. Just a poll to see who's over there. I'll be heading back over Christmas break and want to get some wheeling in. Maybe a coast trip or something.
  11. Holy Jees. :eek: Good that nobody was hurt. So where'd you ditch the mechanic's body?
  12. I am down for a run anytime you fellas want. I'll be gone over Thanksgiving weekend but any other time is good I think. I'll get to it someday maybe.
  13. I know of 3-4 more people who want to get out there. none of them drive Pathys but its more people and my buddy Kyle could bring his video camera. Oh yeah a snow run would be cool (pun intended) anybody got a winch??
  14. Well I got the wire reattached but the passenger side light doesn't work. I think its damaged. It was the one I dropped when installing them and it has been cracked since then. Maybe it just needs a new bulb. Say, what do you guys use to clean the engine compartment? Mine is a nice shade of desert camo right now.
  15. Haha, damn. Well luckily the lights still work, but if I have trouble reconnecting those wires in the back I may just take you up on it.
  16. Just thought I'd pose this question now. I know a few more guys who want to get out there.
  17. Oh Casey, a couple things to add to the damaged list. Both fog lights are cracked now and my nice new license plate was bent *up*..... Oh well. It was a hell of a good time. And chassing that Xterra was damn funny.
  18. So DJ Dank, Casey T and I ventured over to Riverside state park today for some sweet mud, dirt, rocks, sand and hills. Anyone else in the Spokane are should definetely check it out, its free and its huge. About 60 acres set aside for nothing but off-roading. :cool2: DJ had his camera so he'll be posting some shots up here soon. Revco, we'll catch ya next time. Thanks guys it was sweet. And thanks for the sticker DJ!
  19. I'm there!! Saturday the 29th 10 am riverside state park ORV area. I'm coming from Cheney so I'm guessing it'll take me about 30 minutes or so. Here's my cell # If you need to reach me 360-852-0915. May the Gods of no broken parts watch over us. -bounce-
  20. Oliver


    I'm so sorry to hear that.
  21. Holy hair that's bad! :eek: Makes me miss my Volvo.
  22. Anyone notice how far the fire hydrant flew?? :o Holy cats -alcohol-
  23. Beer is good on weekends too
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