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Everything posted by BigBikeMike

  1. And just to post whore a little bit more, its interesting when in one of those situations how one forgets the press the clutch in, and just stomps the brake pedal
  2. I called the insurance company, now I get to start the fun of looking around for a body shop, finding a rental car, etc. etc. The really sucky part is that I have to drive to NC (I live in VA) this weekend for work. I was also gonna go get a job at Papa Johns this week... guess thats not gonna happen either. This is my visual representation of what happened to explain to my girlfriend
  3. Coming home from Price club, going down a resedential street in Richmond, some girl was going to make a U-turn (illegally) pulled out in front of me, and BAM! I slammed into her. I honked the whole time, and slammed on my brakes, but to no avail. I wasn't going to fast, but it still sucked. I was driving, with my roommate in the passenger seat, and hit the girls drivers side door. No one was hurt (my neck and my rommates neck kinda hurt a little, but nothing big) but as I was hitting her, it was like it was in slow mo but over before it started. Its kinda weird. I was looking at the girls face as her window exploded and I hit her, and felt bad. Eventhough it was her fault, I still hit her, and it felt like it was my fault. My Pathfinder wasn't hurt too bad (at least not that I can see, I know these things are always worse than they seem) but the drivers door on her Mustang is totally destroyed. And on top of all that, I sill had my groceries in the back and the chicken thawed out
  4. Or you could jack up the back, and keep the front low, and turn it into a drag racer
  5. I just got gas and calculated my milage, I got almost 20MPG on this tank! I did about 300 highway miles and followed my boss, the speed limit might have had somthing to do with it
  6. Does a K&N filter really make that big of a difference?
  7. I have never heard that you are supposed to grease a Reciver, but now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense! I have a bike rack I put on and take off alot, and both the reciever and the rack are showing lots of signs of wear and tear and scraping.
  8. one other thing to take into consideration is the type of gas they are giving us right now. After Katrina, they basically took anything they could get, not neccessarily the best, cleanest gas......... I heard that from an inside source :eek:
  9. when I was shopping, I was looking at everything, 4Runners included. The big deciding factor for me was that I found a used Pathy with a stick, and could not find a used 4Runner with a stick. I also went for it because my dad had a maxima that lasted FOREVER!
  10. so engine braking is bad? and starting and stopping is not a problem?
  11. Things dont break when they are on, things break when they are turned on or off. Thats what I always go on Just like the military, thats why they never turn off their Hummers. That, or I am a total fool And yes, I do drive a stick, and thats how I usually drive in the city anyway. I also do a lot of engine braking to slow down toward the end of the block
  12. I was thinking of getting a part time job as a pizza delivery guy. I figure, I can use my extra key, and just leave my truck running and lock it when i'm at the door. That why I won't be turning it on and off all the time. But would driving around the city all the time be detrimental?
  13. You could find some in your schools physics department..... thats where mine came from :o
  14. OK, interesting. Guess its just a case by case thing then. I'll probably end up going with their stuff, if I ever get enough money
  15. I've read some horror stories on here about AC's service, customer service, etc. Are there any other companies that make a suspention package to lift an R50? If not, can I make my own package? I'm still planning on Lifting my R50 and getting some bigger tires, but its been put off indefinantly due to money issues. I'm just trying to collect information
  16. Thats really not lazy, its cheap There is a lot of work involved there to be considered "lazy"
  17. So, AC sucks? Thats where I was gonna get my lift from when I got the money...... where else can I get one for a 2000?
  18. Thanks, that was great for my brand new Powerbook's speakers! I have a simple 12" setup in a moveable box in the cargo area. I hid the sub in the seemingly pointless compartment under the carpet in the back of my 2000. Works rather well, all that is exposed is speaker cable :cool2:
  19. Mine take a few good jerks of the lever to get it into 4 low, Like others have said, its pretty finniky. But a great truck!
  20. wow, I'm dumb, thats where all the switches go, isnt it? But that would screw up my plans of getting fog lights and in the future, Offroad lights
  21. AH HA! There is a use for that stupid little place under the radio. If I try and put anything in there, it just flies out, I've been keeping my cell phone headset in there, thats all its good for. So how much does a setup like that run ya? And is it easily installable? (It looks it, and I do stereos so....)
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