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Everything posted by jadm4x4

  1. also did the same. but when they first poped on here. *sits and waits for new arrival eating popcorn*
  2. i see the new member is another aussie from darwin. hi courney. come join the aussie crew.
  3. put that under the aussie thread. probly get a taker on there.
  4. Factory manager, for a small blind company. its in wangara. close o home wich is good. nothing really with ally a the moment, but he wants to get back into security again to. so ill be well used
  6. i would kill for somehing like that here
  7. hahahahahaha sorry im on 4 forums a once.....lol
  8. just started a social group on perth 4x4 for pathy and terry owners. come join in
  9. ill go through some threads and find the sizes we need.
  10. hey macdaddy. how did you go sourcing the plugs for the back of the spotties. any luck. if you want you can stop in and show me and ill see what i can work out
  11. either 50mm solid round or 50x50 solid square. for lift blocks. if i can get the solid at a resonable price. drilling the hole aint much. between us we shold be able to work out the rest and be able to do a couple of cars in a weekend. if we can organise it. i got room to work 4 cars at once on cement at my place. and we should be able to get bolt lengths and sizes of here or other formus aswell. im trying to get back into the ally industry again. but i have alot of contacts still in qld to. sholdnt cost to much to get sent over from there. if we look on average retail price at $250 a car we definatly should be able to halve that at a max.
  12. hahahahahahahahaha may aswell. everyone else does......lol... gets the numbers up
  13. for now. im crrently looking for some solid alley so i can make lifts if anyone is interested in perth..... hopefully a job wil come my way next week. im so sick of not havn any money to do anything to the car. NEED TYRES URGENTLY Bt need to get rego transfer and as many mods done as possible in case it does come in. oh hang on new page isnt that how it goes..... ill just hit myself
  14. g'day welcome for aussie land. nice intro. good to see you got youre pathy dirty aleady.
  15. find it easyier than trying to work around ariels when under the bonet. i must admit i do have one on the bull bar but it is only on there as a height guageand easy to remove. an old 27meg ariel. i have spotties on the roof and a roof pod. dont want to rip them off in undercover car parks.
  16. congrat's one day an aussie will win......
  17. uhf in center roof consol arial mounted on wheel carrier after i moded it and repowdercoated it black. wireing was a cow. be careful where the cable runs into the cab. i ended up running under the rear bumper and inside through a drainage hole. and then up the roof lineing
  18. THIS REALLY FRIGN SUX. HAVE A READ TO WHAT THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS TO DO WITH LIFTS. ACT NOW - FIGHT UNFAIR 4WD MODIFICATION RULES Fellow 4WD enthusiasts, Today is the day we must stand up for ourselves as 4WDers. You have been branded “car hoons†by the NSW Minister for Roads. I will not accept my fellow 4WDers, readers of 4WD Action magazine, being branded as car hoons simply because we choose to enjoy 4WDing in properly, safely modified 4WDs. We, as responsible 4WDers have never needed each other’s support as much as we do today. It is time to act now or have our chosen lifestyle unfairly limited by regulations based on false information. The news We became aware on Thursday 16th July of a press release issued by the NSW Minister for Roads, Michael Daley describing severe restrictions to suspension lifts. So many of you have publicly displayed your opposition to this on our forums and via email. We share your surprise and disapproval. Vehicle Standards Information #50 (VSI 50). Please read the attached version of the new regulations here as they will affect every 4WDer, Caravan tourer, and performance car enthusiast. Here’s what it means in a nutshell. Any suspension modification up to and including 2 inches of lift, carried out after Saturday 1st August 2009 in NSW must be fully engineered or carry the manufacturer's approval. The total amount you are allowed to lift your 4WD from the ground is 50mm. That is it! This includes any combination of larger diameter tyres, bodylifts and suspension lifts. Any higher lift than this will only be eligible for conditional registration. For example a 4WD with a 2 inch suspension lift and tyres even 1 inch larger in diameter will not be able to be registered for daily on road use. Click here to download PDF from RTA website. 4WD Action strongly opposes this regulation. 4WD Action is shocked at the rapid implementation of this regulation and very concerned that no one from the 4WD industry, nor engineering signatories were consulted nor made aware of this move until its surprise release last week. This places question marks over the real motives behind the regulation and doesn’t even give the limited number of engineering signatories the time to approve the hundreds of suspension modifications made every week. The team at 4WD Action understands, abides by and promotes the need to modify 4WDs in accordance with sensible road regulations to ensure the safety of all road users. However this new regulation is unfair on responsible road users and based on false information. 4WD Action readers are enthusiasts who modify their 4WDs responsibly for a wide variety of reasons. These include, family touring, weekend camping, towing, volunteer rescue and clean up operations, trade work and driver training to name a few. VSI 50 affects everyone. Not just NSW based 4WDers. Please don’t think this regulation doesn’t affect you and your lifestyle. Even if you don’t live in NSW, if this regulation is accepted in NSW, there is a good chance it may be adopted in other states. If this unjust regulation goes unopposed by you and me, it will open the door for many more restrictions to be placed on how we modify our 4WDs. As 4WDers and taxpayers, it is time to show your opposition today! We will not have our rights as 4WDers trodden on anymore by an uninformed minority. We must band together, let your voice be heard now. This approach to improving road safety is like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly. And it won’t show the desired improvement in road safety anyway. The real car hoons aren’t the people getting their suspension modified by professionals or using properly designed components. This is just punishing the responsible, law abiding road users. The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) in consultation with its members, have conducted extensive and appropriate testing using modified and standard 4WDs. This test utilised professional drivers and the latest in data logging technology as used in top level motorsport to prove that a range of 4WDs with 2 insh suspension lift and 2 inch larger diameter tyres, handled as well and in some cases better than the standard vehicles. This is being presented to relevant road authorities as they attempt to get this approved as a new national standard as in a National Code of Practice (NCOP). I agree that this is a more reasonable outcome. I propose we adopt the far more sensible NCOP approach which is based on fact and real test data using real 4WDs. That is 2inch suspension lift with a further 1 inch increase in tyre radius making a 3 inch increase in ground clearance before you need to seek engineering approval. this was taken from our local 4x4 monthly magazine website. it reallysux for us aussies. our first npora member to be affected will be cyril......... hope this doesnt pass.
  19. I have delt with both over the years.Between company cars and my own, and have come to the conclusion that every toyota dealer are sh!t. but that was toyota. but i would never pass a smaller mechanic. Especially with these older vehicals. but also being on a budget i dont mind giving anything ago myself where i can. My brother and father are both mechanics. and they have always gotten me through the crap over the phone with issues on cars. even on the side of the road. but i vote the local mechanic for me. not some idiot that sits on his fat a$$ in a dealership reading porn all day while his apprentice is working on the car ( no offence to any apprentices out there. you have to lrn somewhere )
  20. Here is one for beeing but fskced up the a$$ again by the governent...... we are so lucky to have the @!*% leaders we do. let us all hope here it dont go through, for all the states and territories in Australia
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