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Creaking/popping Clutch Pedal In '87


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It's a little annoying. I replaced the clutch slave cylinder in Feb, and the master cylinder in April. I put a dab of grease on the end of the MC pushrod, and greased as much of the pivots as I could while I was in there.


A couple months later, a noise started abruptly. When depressing the clutch pedal, it emits a creaking pop sound when about 1" from the bottom.

And as I release the clutch, it does the same about 1" from the top. So it happens at different parts of the travel on the way up and the way down. Sounds like it is coming from up under the dash. And moderately loud, as well. Can easily hear it over road noise, and need to crank the stereo very loud to not hear it.


I sprayed the pivots and helper spring with a spray lubricant to see if it would quiet down, but no change. I suspect the helper spring may have slipped or broken, but I can't see anything obviously amiss. And of course, sounds travel so the source could be in the MC itself...


Any ideas??

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a definite creak in my clutch (but no pop!) and I just replaced all innards 9 months/4000 miles ago. At first, I thought it might be the slave cyl when it pushes on the bearing fork arm, but the sound seems to be comming from more wheel wellish direction. Doesn't seem to be affecting anything though :shrug: Unfortunately, I rarely have anyone around to help me so I haven't gotten anywhere with it. You should see me bleed brakes by myself without any fancy bleeder units... The proverbial monkey and a football syndrome. LOL



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Shet, you can have the GF, I'll take a garage !! JK !!

The GF works and goes to school (while I :type: -alcohol- :aok: ) so she usually only comes over on the weekends and then I'm busy with other things...

Even though she doesn't know which end of the screwdriver to hold she has helped me bleed brakes, etc before.... But then between cooking, working on her car, bike, computer,etc it's still a net loss. Oh well :shrug:



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