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burning oil?


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well. in the morning or when ever i start my path up i have white smoke comming out of the exhaust pipe. i know that in the morning gets cold but after 10-15 mins , shouldn't it go away. this morning when i started her up, i had white/blueish smoke comming out, thought it could of been from the cold. so i tried my moms car and nothing was comming out her exhaust pipe? could it be a seal or something. oh yeah another thing, i drove about 165miles yesterday to the mountains round trip, when first got there, i noticed that my rear-end is wet. so i bent over to look under neith her, i had tranny oil all under there. all over the crossmembers, the driveshaft, everywhere. what's that? please help, i'm starting to give up on her which i don't want to. :help:




too many problems: windsheild rattling, the tranny oil all underneith, the white smoke, manifolds. help

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Degrease and pressure wash underneath so you can tell where the leak is coming from. It could be tranny fluid, t-case fluid, engine oil, etc. Was it wet outside while you drove to the mountain?


Dunno about the smoke/steam from the exhaust pipe. OK... does it disappear into the air when you have it running, or does it just kinda float away and get thinner but you can still see it? Burnt oil smoke is bluish, excess fuel is black, coolant is white. Normal exhaust has a good amount of steam in it from the combustion process anyway, that's why your tailpipe drips in the summertime, ya know?

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the oil is red, it has to be the transmission, because i only two things that it could be, tranny and engine, i wish i had a t-case. but, no it wasn't wet before i headed out to the mountains, i might go underneith her and check out it, spend some time and see where it's comming from i'm guess it's some seal that went out on me.


regarding the smoke from the exhaust, the smoke goes out about three feet and then goes away. i'm hoping it's steam, but today it couldn't be steam. it was like 70 degrees out.

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how does your engine oil look? Is it kinda grey? And does your coolant look like the coolant you put in or kinda brown and foamy? One reason for the steam could be a blown head gasket and other signs include oil and coolant mixing. I haven't had to tear into the VG30E intake enough to know but some engines have coolant running through some parts of the intake and if a seal or gasket was bad there you would get a bunch of steam out of the exaust.

Edit: Almost forgot - good luck

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how does your engine oil look? Is it kinda grey? And does your coolant look like the coolant you put in or kinda brown and foamy? One reason for the steam could be a blown head gasket and other signs include oil and coolant mixing. I haven't had to tear into the VG30E intake enough to know but some engines have coolant running through some parts of the intake and if a seal or gasket was bad there you would get a bunch of steam out of the exaust.

Edit: Almost forgot - good luck

yeh but you'd also have some hellacious missing if have cracked anything....


power stearing fluid could be red too....


maybe the white smoke is realated to the leak... burning off on the exhaust...

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My pathy V6 does the same.. white smoke till the vehicle is warmed up.


My coolent level is solid, but I burn a bit of 10-40 oil.


I passed smog in Cali a couple of months ago, as well.


Not sure if it is normal but it doesn't seem to be hurting anything.

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or just sit there and smell your exhaust for a few minutes to see if it smells like steam, oil, or just regular exhaust. A few strong huffs will quickly tell you the culprit. Or just make you pass out. Sorry couldn't help it, good luck.

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it's been a few days now and i've check my oil, it's good, my tranny oil is good as well as my coolant. maybe it's just steam and i was just exagerating(spell) thinking it's something else.


the tranny oil undernieth the truck, it's fine now it's all, well, not dryed up but it's not wet anymore. you guys menchined that it might of been power steering fluid becaue of the color, makes sense but the level is fine on that one as well. weird. just weird. hey but i gotta love it. i don't think i'll be taking it 4wheeling anymore until i get a new truck(a dodge), my only transportation, dont' wanna risk breaking it and being w/ out a vehicle.

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I am the same Robinau... my Pathy "steams" until she's been running a bit..but ew them smellof gas fumes..GROSS :oops:

I don't have to smog her until next December..YAAAAAAAAAAAY


Mudfinder..have you thought about valve guide seals? My S-10 had the same problem..and sho nuff... $1000 later I had the problem fixed :blink:

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no, i haven't thought about the valve guide seals. right now she's seems to be running better, the steam usually goes away after she's all warmed up. that's normal, but now, she's leaking oil like krazy. you know, my path is weird, when ever it gives me problems, well not really problems, inconvience, it seems to fix it's self right up and the problem never shows again.

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