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Forum Outage Reports


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There was a recent minor upgrade to the forum software performed (by the host this time.) Although this was an authorized update, unfortunately the notification given to us was not sufficient for us to warn anyone.


However, it went smoothly and only took about 20min to complete.


As always, in the event of a forum outage please look to the NPORA's Home site for more information.



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There is a new system for handling URL format, when the upgrade was first completed that system was turned on by default (which is becoming the standard for all forums). But we had to turn that feature off due to the fact that it, by default, renders all former URL's dead. This means that all links to internal forum pages that anyone has ever posted, along with all saved links that people have kept in their Favorites, were also useless.


With the feature currently turned off, all former links function again. However, because the standard is shifting to the new URL format, IPB (and apparently all others) are shifting to better support it. As a result, we are working with IPB to see if there is a happy medium that will allow us to transition to the new system, while still supporting older links.




Over the next couple days, you may notice that some links, both posted internally and those you may have saved in your Favorites either work intermittently, or not at all.


This should only be temporary and possibly intermittently. If this is successful then we will be on the new format (where it displays the topic name in the URL) while older links remain functional (if this does happen PLEASE UPDATE YOUR LINKS!!).


If this does not work, then we will turn the new system off so everything returns to normal and will have to deal with transitioning at a later time.


Thanks for your patience




EDIT: Please not that during the trial period, if you save a link using the new format and we end up having to go back to the old style, your links will be rendered dead.

Edited by RedPath88
Added not about saving links
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  • 6 months later...

We will be performing another software update soon. There is no exact time for this, so the forum go offline at any time. Normally these updates do not take that long, baring any problems. So we expect the down time to be minimal.



As always, in the event of a forum outage please look to the NPORA's Home site for more information.







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  • 1 year later...

We will be performing another software update soon. There is no exact time for this, so the forum go offline at any time. Normally these updates do not take that long, baring any problems. So we expect the down time to be minimal.


As always, in the event of a forum outage please look to the NPORA's Home site for more information.





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  • 1 month later...

We'll likely be taking the forum offline for a couple hours at some point this weekend, for some post move maintenance.


We'll of course try and keep the down time to a minimum.

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Ok so the plan to do some maintenance this weekend did not work out. The few times that I had the time to do it, the board was under a fair amount of use, so instead of interrupting everyone I simply postponed the outage.


Not a big deal, we'll try again later :aok:

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Recent outage was caused by the shear amount of info we have here! We exceeded the allowable limits for the size of our database. A temporary fix has been done, which allowed the forum back online.

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday’s outage was for the same reasons posted directly above. Bouncing off the ceiling until we can find away to either raise the limit or lower the floor.


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  • 1 month later...

We recently experienced an outage that corrupted a portion of the database, as a result, a manual restoration of a prior backup was required and posts/topics made in the past few days may not be present any longer. In addition any new members who have registered since May 6th 2017 PST, will likely need to re-register.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we are working to resolve the recent issues with a more permanent fix. In the near future we will be transferring the entire NPORA community operations to another server system.


Long time regular members, if you are interested in helping test the new NPORA platform, please contact RedPath88 via PM or email for further information.

Thank you,

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  • 5 months later...

Forum was offline for a couple minutes for a software & security update.  It's possible that you may notice some things behave slightly different than they did before.



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