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Sleeve on the UCA Spindle?


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So im installing my UCA's, and i finally get the spindle out by use of a torch and drill, and the metal sleeve will NOT come off of my spindle........ one side just slipped right out, leaving the bushing and sleeve in the UCA, but this side pulled it all out with it, and nothing I do BUDGES this sleeve!!!!


I need to get this done today, so I grabbed the angle grinder (stupid me) and cut a slit in the sleeve, thinking that would help, but I just ended up cutting a little slice off my spindle both times.... (nothing serious) but this will not BUDGE, i already broke the tip off my favorite screwdriver trying to get it to break loose....


I've used my torch and everything......ideas?


Its soaking in PB blaster atm..

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Heat and an air chisel?

No air compressor :S



I tried really hard, then gave up......was looking into buying a new "control arm shaft kit" from local auto part suppliers....no dice...



Had sprayed PB blaster on it, and then went back out to try and free it up, and FINALLY the vice grips caught the slice just the right way and freed it up.....



Now both are stuck on my freshly de-bushing'd spindle....

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I just left the stuck ones on there, sanded em off with some light sand paper to clean em up, and installed the new bushings over the old sleeves, they actually installed a LOT easier, no hammering on a socket over the bushing....just grease em up and slide em in!


No more squeak!

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Next time, try a cold chisel rather than a screw driver.

Well, my only chisels are ones that got handed down to me by my grandpa, and I just sharpened em a few weeks ago (what a pain in the butt!)



Plus, since the sleeve wasn't cut the entire length, I doubt it would have budged with anything trying to pry it off....





Oh well, all is well and I can probably just grind down the screwdriver to refine the tip again..

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Well, my only chisels are ones that got handed down to me by my grandpa, and I just sharpened em a few weeks ago (what a pain in the butt!)




Cold chisel:



Cold chisels are for metal and stone.

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