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Well Crap


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Well it looks like we wont be able to get my son into one of the three full day kindergartens in my area and with our budget theres no way in hell i can afford child care, especially now that I have my family on my insurance at work and took the pay cut to the shorts.....looks like I might have to consider selling my baby just so we can get by, so before I get to the point where i make an ad I was wondering if there was any interest here? ive pretty much posted everything ive done with her and have two hardly used sets of wheels, i guess if you have questions ask or if theres no interest...well hopefully i wont have to sell her because i only started making her what i want her to be but stuff happens......lemme know.

the short list

02 SE 80k miles, slightly oversized summer and winter wheels(about equal to 31 in height but thinner), warn manual hubs (fresh install) all syn fluids, took care of the powervalve screws, new plugs.

oh yea, i would be looking for 15k to get out of my loan. i suppose thats pertinent info huh?

Edited by Jarsiff
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Well it looks like we wont be able to get my son into one of the three full day kindergartens in my area and with our budget theres no way in hell i can afford child care, especially now that I have my family on my insurance at work and took the pay cut to the shorts.....looks like I might have to consider selling my baby just so we can get by, so before I get to the point where i make an ad I was wondering if there was any interest here?



ummm... selling your child ain't the answer man! besides, it's illegal. Just because you can't get him into a K class is no reason to get rid of him.





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LOLz no no hes my little man, my baby is the truck and honeys is my wife.....spose i should have cleared that up too. :laugh: :laugh:

I did more than that to the truck too, I just havent made a real list yet like new brakes and belts.. anyhow we're going camping with my wifes family this weekend so hopefully i'll get the chance to go cruise around look for some fun i need some new pics anyway since i got the hubs and the rims.

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no more comments or questions then? i suppose the 15k looks pretty daunting but I just dont have a whole lot of room there...little but not much. like i said though thought id bring it up here first in case any of you might be interested, if it has to go id want it to go to a good home.

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Not to be a naysayer, but you're going to be REALLY lucky to get 15 for your rig. I understand you're trying to get the payoff, but you may need to consider the fact that you might take another hit to the wallett...

I bought my 02 SE almost 2 years ago, with 35K miles for $15K :huh:

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i kinda figured that was going to be an issue, but like I said I dont have much slack there and the biggest thing i wanted was to see if someone here had any interest first, :)


wow, you got a sweet deal man, it took me forever to find something under like 17-19k, they were a lot harder to find over here too, no one wants to sell em once they get hold of em, LOL

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