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Let's hear everyones stories... Ahem... CaseyT?.... :P

As I promised.. here's the picture of my first Steelie. Caught this hen on the Sky with my dad, weekend of my 13th birthday. Middle of January, 5 years ago.


Cold day, just kept catching suckers all day long. My dad was fishing 50yards down the river from me. I hooked into ANOTHER sucker... at least I thouuught it was. It was a little too slow of a headshake for a sucker. Then the reel started screaming as it took a run across the river. Then it ran down the river 100yards and I chased it... then ir ran UP the river 100 yards, then down, then up, then down.... 35 minute fight and I finally got her in. Turned out to be a native, so I couldn't keep it. But still, it was a pretty dern good birthday present. First of many Steelhead to come :D .


Here's a picture to get all you Steelheaders ready for the winter run B)


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Beautiful Cat, I am not where there are alot of Steelies but we have huge Flathead


We were out on the lake with our boat and had several lines in the water by the dam and one of the fishing poles took off you should have seen that thing one minute we had a pole on the deck, and the next it was whistling through the water never did get it back but it must of been one whopper of a fish

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nice fish! big tail and beautiful color, those guys put up a hell of a fight. I'll see if I can find a picture of my first rainbow caught downrigging on lake ontario. They aren't as hard to catch as the river trout but they sure do taste good :aok:

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That looks like your down stream of the Monroe street bridge??? Up stream about 4 miles off of the Ben Howard Road in a little run we call Taylor Flatts I nailed a Buck that measured 39 1/2 inches.. Approximate weight was 33lbs....... Now im confined to the Rhonde or the Columbia(Ringold Springs).....

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