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Cuong Nguyen

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Posts posted by Cuong Nguyen

  1. I have some pictures on my cardomain link of when i did my body lift. The hardlines you are referring to are the brake lines and the vent line for the charcoal canister from the gas tank. I suggest you the spray the poop out of all the bolts and the steering shaft with some PB Blaster.


    Do one side at a time and lift slowly. You'll probably have to "stretch" the front hard brake lines. There's enough slack from the coils.

  2. Ended up ripping the remost insert out through the top. Dremeled down the insert to where I could pop it through with the hammer. Going to sand down what I can and cover up the rust since a storm is moving in. I'll have to wait until dry weather to work on it again.


    I've never done body work before so I'm wondering as to how to repair my rust problem. One of the areas is rusted bad. The rust almost ate through the sheetmetal.


    This this how you do it?:


    sand/grind the rust until you have is just bare shiny metal

    make sure you don't touch it the metal after doing so

    seal it

    add bondo/putty/filler

    let it cure

    sand it smooth


    and wax the poop out of it


  3. Most the kits the store carries are just the regular tail light converters that tap into the tail lights and depend on the tail light wiring for power. Doing so, you run the risk of shorting out by putting an excessive load from the trailer lights.


    I don't think I've heard of any fellow finders having shorting out there stuff from the trailer lights.

  4. Well, finally got around about bought a bit with a 3/8th shank. Shouldve done that in the beginnning. I used 1/2" hardware.


    Problems I ran into:

    I found out that the frame is gusseted internally. Luckily it's off-centered.

    I wanted to place the bolt with the tail end hanging below but I couldn't because the rear frame crossmember was in the way. There was no way to fit the bolt inside the frame without drilling a larger hole in the frame to access the hole I had to drill for the hitch. Instead, I had to put the the bolt in the frame and thread the bolt through below. Not much surface are to spread the load but it has enough to bite.

  5. hopefully this hasn't been dicussed already :hide:


    Anyhow, Would a regular tail light converter be fine for me or should I get a converter with straight wire to the battery to be on the safe side? Could I use a regular converter and up the fuse amp rating? Just curious.

  6. I just recieved my hitch in the mail--Thanks Dagwoodz! Anyhow, do you use all four mounting points or just the rear two? The forward mounting points don't seem to line up and I was wondering what did size hardware did you use to mount them. The hitch is a Class 3 U Haul

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