Well.. here's the story, I haven't been off roading in a long time and figured I should go before it snows too much, about a month ago while out at Utah Lake with some friends, I was testing out my new SL and managed to seize my VG33. Just my luck.The only time I go on my only day off. Puddle wasn't even deep.. Oh well.
Here's the plan.
I figured since I'll be pulling the engine why not get rid of the front end? I'm tired of messing with it, parts wearing out, alignment issues etc.
88 Jeep Wagoneer axle
Coil Over's
3 Link
Rear end will have 4.9 gears with an xterra 3rd member.
For the motor I was thinking either another 90's VG33, 2000's VG33R or 350SBC. I'm leaning towards the VG33 or VG33R due to finance's.
I have the time, tools so why not?
What do you guys think?