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  • Your Pathfinder Info
    It's black and 4x4
  • Mechanical Skill Level
    Screwdriver Mechanic
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  • What do you consider yourself?
    I Go When I Can
  • Model
    SE Offroad
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    Flat top wv
  • Country
    United States

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  1. Not sure what is wrong with my 1997 Nissan Pathfinder 4x4 auto transmission it's started to not sift in high gears no code but one and it's p0734 4 gear ratio is improper but it revs up it seems to shift to 3rd on down hill but on any grade or a pull it will only go 40 mph change fluid and filter made sure the lines to the cooler wasn't clog no metal chunks on the magnet just normal wear and tear any help be really appreciated
  2. Ok will check that is there any chance it needs relearned or is my vehicle does require that
  3. The bearing before changing it almost rubbed a hole through the timing cover
  4. My 1997 Nissan Pathfinder went in limp mode after putting in distirbutor and new timing belt kit it's stuck in it will shift first and second and hit third a few times it's reading map sensor p0105 and p0120 as tps sensor and p1105 map/baro switch valve is bad any suggestions I greatly appreciate really need help it's my daily driver
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