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Posts posted by Northernpathy

  1. Well if he tried to start the truck a couple of times with the engine sitting in the water he definitely killed the alternator to start out with. Alternator sits at the bottom of the engine. He said he also left it sitting in there until the next day, so he might have water/mud in the engine.


    He also said that he cannot get power to the OBD2 port. That is a very good sign of a fried computer.

  2. You say you are going to race your truck? Okay...


    Any water in the cab? Looks like it sat in the water pretty deep into the engine. Good chance it might have fried the computer. At the very least you likely killed the starter and alternator sitting in muddy water for that long.

  3. I was looking around and noticed that the forum does not seem to keep old threads around for very long. Anything over 3 months old seems to disappear.


    Technically, it seems as if they are still there, but you cannot see them in the section that they were posted in, nor will they show up if you do a search.


    For instance, I had a thread on removing the fender flares on my R50. I posted it in the 96-2004 Pathfinders section. But if you go look, you cannot find it. Searching for it will not cause it to turn up either. Luckily I posted a link to the thread in my truck thread, so I was able to find it.




    Why do the old threads disappear? Why wouldn't they stick around so that anyone could see them? That seems like a waste of a lot of good information. I can't see it taking up much of any server space or causing any problems as most forums have all their threads, even very old ones (many years old), still around for everyone to view.

  4. Maybe stupid to ask, but did you check the fuse? Even if it looks good, change it out to see if it works. Had a fuse in another truck that looked fine yet nothing worked. Wasn't until I put in a new fuse to be sure and it now works.

  5. Thanks man. Puts my head to rest. Was worried for a bit.


    I doubt it was ever changed as well. Guy who owned it before me only brought it to one dealer and I have the report which says he only ever got the oil changed. I doubt the transfer case fluid was ever changed either. The plug was pretty hard to pop loose and when I got it out the threads inside looked new, as if it had never been opened before.


    I will flush it out tomorrow. I think I will also change out the fluid in the rear diff as well. Doubt that was ever changed either. I want the truck to be in good working order for the 2,000km or so I am going to do this weekend ;)

  6. Looking through the manuals, it does say to use ATF in the transfer case.





    List of oils and lubricants says yes as well.




    Maybe someone put in gear oil when they were suppose to use ATF in my transfer case?

  7. I am getting ready for a big trip this weekend and got to looking at the transfer case.


    I opened the top plug on the back of the transfer case to try and see the level and I got a little surprise.


    This came out.




    The liquid is a light brownish oil that is somewhat clear when you see it on your fingers. Sort of looks and smells like gear oil.


    The transfer case on a 2001 pathfinder is suppose to have automatic transmission fluid (dextron III) in it, no?


    If someone did replace it with gear oil, could it have caused damage?

  8. I was told that struts should be changed at around every 60K miles. Some people have run them longer and haven't had any problems, including some who have installed the lift.


    New struts are cheap. There are ~$100 each. Worth it for the piece of mind. You are already going through all the trouble of taking the struts apart, so you might as well install new ones. If they cost $300-400 each, then I would think about it a little longer. But for ~$100 it is worth it all the way.


    I bought the KYB GR-2 struts for $102 each with free shipping.


    When I did the lift this weekend, I knew that one strut was going bad, but it wasn't until I took it off that I found out it wasn't going bad, it was dead. Screwed up bad. Also found out that the other strut was pretty much finished as well.


    Unless you are really sure they are still good, have changed them recently, or simply really don't have the money, I would replace them. Especially if they are original to your truck.

  9. Look for a used set of tires. That is the only real way you are going to get a good tire for a deal.


    For example, I paid $200 a piece for my 31" BF Goodrich All Terrains. Came out to $900 once I paid taxes and got them mounted. I know someone who got 4 of them used in good shape, with 75% tread left for only $200!

  10. I just picked up all my camping stuff for the weekend and put it in the truck. Not sure I will be sleeping in the truck with all the gear I am hauling. Most of it will go in the roof rack (it is made to do something other than just look cool), but I think I will still have a good amount in the truck. I have to keep the bacon safe ;)

  11. I prefer a stove. Easier to control temp and you don't have to wait for someone to try and start a fire. Plus you want to be careful not to burn the bacon. That would be a crime against humanity! :ohmy:


    People should also remember to bring portable food for lunch. Or at least prepare your lunch in the morning before we leave. I don't think we are going to re-setup camp just for lunch. Some egg and bacon sandwiches would make a great portable lunch.


    BTW, did I say how much I love bacon? :jig:

  12. Yeah you can throw it in mine. I just bought a second small cooler today. Better to have two small ones then one huge cooler.


    I also bought a canister of propane for the weekend. Oh and a new griddle plate for my stove. The old plate was okay, but kept slipping around on the stove. This one is made by coleman and has feet to keep it in place, as well as a place for the grease and oil to collect into.


    Everyone should make sure to bring a lantern as well. There never seems to be enough of them at a camp out. Flashlights are fine for walking around, but suck when trying to light up something unless someone is holding it all the time.

  13. I really depends on who is going. And like normal, we will likely have people not showing up at the last minute. I would hate to buy food for people that do not show up or something that someone does not want to eat.


    There are too many people from different places/forums to try and organize the food properly. Plus there is also the chance that some my not stay for the camp out.


    Plus it can be a lot of food. Estimates are around 14 people or so now? That is a lot of money in food. We would have to buy enough for lunch sat, supper sat, breakfast sun and likely lunch sun. That is four complete meals. I have done big camp outs with other groups on the net before, but we were all on one forum and were able to organize things very easily that way. Not possible in this instance.


    A few of us could get together and bring food just for the bunch of us. But I could see that as possibly pissing off the others who are not part of the food group if they see us all eating together and expect to get some themselves without having done any effort.


    Too many problems.


    Probably the best thing is to plan on bringing your own food. I have my own propane stove which I will likely bring to cook food which others could use if needed. I also have a small electric powered cooler for keeping stuff cold. Doesn't really need power as it is insulated, but I will likely plug it in during the day if it is very hot outside (to keep the bacon and drinks cool). We can probably share anything they have after providing for themselves.


    Some things to think about.

  14. What is this crap.... any of you planning on doing an heart attack on the trail !??! don't count on me for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation! :ohno01:






    You are speaking against the best invention man has ever made (well besides the Pathfinder)!


    Okay fleury is not allowed on the trip anymore.



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