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Posts posted by 87pathy

  1. To keep it somewhat streetable, plus it was cheaper. ;)

    ya, cheaper is true... stettable is arguable..


    I got mine out on the road, no sway bars what soever and it drives like a new car.. no kidding i nearly shat myself when i found out how well it drives.


    hey muddy, go get yourself a lunchbox locker for that thing..

  2. Sweet Man, let me know when you get her on the road, get a side by side shot..looks like your alot taller then me..mines basically 4"suspension 3"Body not too crazy yet..its SUA right now..

    Sweet, i've got a 3" body lift and about 7" of suspension..


    I do have to ask, you went through all the trouble to do a SAS.. why in the world did you go spring under? :wacko:


    just curious

  3. For once in my life I might actually be able to go. I finally got weekends off at this new job and while I might possibly never get around to getting my BL on I might have to check out the easy trails anyways!

    Body lift.. come on, that will take all of 2 hours man... git r done! :aok:

  4. B) if she insists on acting like a sissy.. her motor will get painted a sissy color ;)

    Isn't that plumb crazy?


    if so, thats not a sissy color, mopar baby!


    a buddy of mine had a plumb crazy road runner is school.. sweet ride

  5. Wow, i need to keep up to date with everyone on this forum too..i seem to have found myself sucked into 4x4parts...RUNAWAY!

    are you close? I'd love to see that SAS's pathy up here, give me somthing to look.. :cool2:


    but serioulsy, i'd love to taker her up on a good first run (actually i'm gonna try to get it up the weekend of the 19th and test out the 4x4...


    Gonna install front gears and locker weekend 11-12 march, built my drive line same week, then get it ouit in real 4x4 next weekend.


    Been so long since i've really wheeled, (exept in my 75 F250 highboy, which is to big to have much fun in) i am relly excited abouit meeting up with some of you guys and having a good time. :beer:

  6. For those who are curious as to the conditions at evens creek,


    I have attached a map. the yellow lines show where i have been in a stock pathy... Mind you i did come out with minor body damage and the trails are worse now than they were then.


    the red, is kinda what i was thinking we could do. The trails are rated, easy and more difficult. But if i could take a stocker on the Most difficult trails we should be ok. i can't garantee you won't get a few scratches as i have not been up on the "red lines before"




  7. Yes it is. those valves work more or less like any other hydraulic valve. Depending on how it works inside, the piston or ball wich could be froze up or the springs behind it could be broken or worn, there is alot of variables in how the insides of these can work, ALTHOUGH, i have never had one off of a nissan taken apart, but i work with that kind of stuff every day.. hydraulics of all kinds and makes..

  8. Yuo need to change the shifter? Please, don't tell me that!

    you know, i have heard this from alot of people, chaning, modifying shifter cause it pops out or won't shift into 4low... i have no issues with this. goes in just fine doesn't pop out.

  9. so far we have


    packie 88

    Mr. pickles.. Maybe?

    87 pathy

    spolar 93

    spolars friends xj



    If anybody thinks they may not want to go due to BAD trails, does any body know of a better place.. not too far from the kent/puyallup area?



  10. Speedy says


    "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body,


    but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...holy shiznit...what a ride!"


    That is the coolest thing i have heard in a while!

  11. Your my hero! :D


    My cold friggin garage is the reason I did not make it out to work on the engine this weekend... I even had time.

    trip to lowes for a propane heater.. 59 dollars

    Trip to the propain store to get a tank 25 dollars..


    heated garge.. PRICELESS

  12. Yeah, I need some motivation to do it. I was thinking about over this long weekend, but I've been down and getting over a pretty bad cold, so working out in the cold weather wasn't sounding too appealing.


    But yeah, I've driven around some up there. But we've been alone, so I've stuck to the easy stuff. Do you remember if there are bypasses for any of the really tough stuff, in case its a little more than some guys want to try?

    you can turn around in most areas, there are alot of places you can take your pathy.


    we could install that locker in about 2-3 hours


    I rebuilt my entire rear end in 5, that includes bearins, new gears, spool, ect


    I have a heated garge.... :cool2:

  13. i'm in, unless something comes up.. like boss sending me out of town, or i don't get my driveshaft finished... but other than that...


    Where should we all meet?


    How about in front of the store in Wilkenson?


    you can buy your park pass's there too if required.


    Bremerton is quiet a drive for Bias tires and a spooled rear end.


    How many of you guys are locked?



  14. Nice, now you need to ge that thing out and about.. I would have no trouble spotting that Pathy on the road :lol:

    I'm in ohio at the moment but when i was home i was driving it every day. i was worried about cops getting me cause of the tires not being covered but i was sitting at a stop sign with a cop behind me and didn't get pulled over. I was actually kinda worried about it


    As far as calling it the bumble bee.... we joke about that all the time.

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