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Everything posted by fordsho90

  1. Good choice of truck :cool2:
  2. A sad day for the troubled 'canes player shot to death
  3. :cool2: there is another member from Chi. town he hasnt been on for a minute......
  4. He wont be; just remeber Congress signed off on his little war , but maybe it might bring his ass back to earth now that the ship is sinking(so to speak)
  5. Come on give up the story, dont just bait and hook us.
  6. You liar Gianni you were in the Navy; "A whore in every port" dont give me that crap!!
  7. Thank you .........Hey Navy your telling me all the women you've had you were their first?.......
  8. btw checking in from Chicago or as Cory #2 calls it "commie land"
  9. Welcome and enjoy your stay at NPORA Hotel BTW nice truck
  10. and dont forget the flip down dvd player
  11. 82 g's f that I will park my own car
  12. Gotcha cuz ...let me know where I can score one of them toilets at; I am down with dat :bow:
  13. Why dont you tell us how you really feel??? ....it isnt just upperclass its all people they wanna have their cake and eat it too, thats why we have a country of fat asses.
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