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Reindexing torsion bar


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Followed the how to but cant get the stupid thing out

Taken off the adjuster bolt (the one you use to crank it) but now i cant pust it forward or back.

Have tried using a malet as well. is there somthing i might have missed.


There is a nut at the frount of the torsion bar that connect it to some "arm thingy" that then connects to the bottom of the hub.

Do i need to loosen this

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I had to loosen the 3 bolts on the front socket for the T-bars. I think the front spline was binding somewhat. Once the front was loose, they slipped out easy ! Don't forget to put some good clocking marks on them before you take them out. ;)



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Bah... ;)


Clocking mark or indexing mark...

Clean off a visible spot where the splines go into their socket. Use a punch or chisel (or whatever) to make a mark in the same place radially on both the T-bar and socket. That way you have a reference on the 'clocking' so you can see how much you have indexed it and can always return it to the 'stock' location if ever so needed. B)

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