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thats odd> can somone confirm this for me plz?


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Hey i just bought a tranny oil cooler today and went to mount it infront of the rad, then install it etc... and i noticed that there are two large rads on my 95 SE-v6. The one closest to the engine is bigger, but not by alot. Did all pathy's come like this, or did a previous owner install some kind of HUGE tranny cooler the size of a rad on me already?


hehe i know it sounds like a dumb question, but im not familair with pathy's too well, and I looked in my chiltons manual for pics to confirm that the rad has two cores or something liek that, and couldn't find one single picture that showed a rad at all even.


Need info on this Asap, thanks in advance for *any* help.

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Well, yes, it could be that the PO already put in an aftermarket tranny cooler. My best suggection is to post a pict, then people can answer you quickly and correctly... ;)



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Yep, basically FLAp... I'm going to give derogate enough credit to differentiate between a tranny cooler and an AC condensor. ;) I have a manual, so I don't know the size and configuration of the stock tranny cooler. :shrug:



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actually i am a newbie. hehe.


I think one's an AC condencer now that you mention it... the bars that run along through the fins are somewhat flattened and dont look like they'd be much good for liquids... at least thats my guess. so AC condencer it is!


on a side note: HOLY DAMN ac condencers are big.


thanks guys.

Edited by derogate
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LOL Bud, I was trying to give you an out, and you threw it away !!! ;)

Here is a link with a little info




I highly recommend spending a few minutes and searching around also. PMing mws would get you some good info also...




Hey didn't you have a question about bleeding the tranny lines or something ?? Sheesh, I must be losing it !!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know the size and configuration of the stock tranny cooler

The stock Tranny cooly is intergrated into the bottom half of the radiator. If you have a look at the bottom of the radiator on the engine side you will see two small hoses going in and out. They go back to your transmission.

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