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Calmini HD Steering System

Guest Dingo3243

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Guest Dingo3243

I need knew a new tierod for my 95 Pathfinder and was planning on doing this steering upgrade in a month anyway so I figured I may as well do it now(no point in paying for tierods twice).



So I have two questions:


1) For those that have installed the whole kit...How hard was it? Estimated time? Any information would be helpful. like it, don't like it, etc...



And for those that have something else...


2) Does anyone recommend a different steering system upgrade kit above Calmini?


Link to the steering system: http://www.purenissan.com/wd21_steering.htm

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Guest Dingo3243

Ok, that sounds nothing like customer service and everything like 2 people who knew each other...had a falling out...and now hate each other. I'm not gonna not buy from them just because of that...



What are my other options anyway?

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I also went with LP, but the installation should be similar I guess. Getting the stock pitman arm off was H E double hockey sticks. That was until I bought a gear puller and grinded down the inside of the lip to a bevel. The commonly sold tool (like you can get at Harbor Freight) doesn't quite work without a little modification. With a slightly thinner opening, I was able to hammer the puller in above the pitman arm and get it seperated. I tried everything (including pickle forks) with no luck until that. Without equal pressure from two sides, the arm binds on the shaft. I've heard the pitman is typically hard to remove, but besides that it was not a difficult job. I'm no mechanic either. The centerlink/idler arm brace install could be done by a handy novice in less than a day.

I originally chose LP because I was modifying on a budget. I'm using their centerlink and idler arm brace right now. Unless you really abuse your truck, you should get a good life out of that setup. I don't think their idler arm is necessary if you go with their idler arm brace, seems like an overkill, again, unless you wheel a ton. I'm still using my stock pitman arm with no problems. After fooling with removing that thing and drilling out the CL bolt hole larger, I can tell you that part is solid and I don't expect it to fail anytime soon. If I remember correct the Calmini centerlink requires you use their tie rods, which isn't necessary with the LP CL. You would just need replacement Pathfinder TR's. I've been wheeling frequently and drive my truck daily since February with no signs of failure. Furthermore, despite some of the problems I've heard about in the past, my customer service experience with LP was outstanding. Let me know if want to see a picture of the setup. Good Luck. phew. :beer:

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Well.. that sounds like 2 friends falling out and nothing to do with the actual quality of Calminis products, and I have spoken with customer service several times and they were fantastic.. those 2 dudes however need to meet in a vacant parking lot and just brawl til tehy come to an understanding...WOW!

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What the conversation sounds like to me is some jerk off who woudlent stop talking to a guy that has 10 hours of work to do in a 8 hour day, and after getting chewed out once for trying to be buddy buddy/ stealing some idea decides to call back and record the conversation and make calmini look bad.


Where I work people that come in 5 times a week acting like overly nice retards asking questions they probrobley already know the awnsers to are called dumbasses.


I have heard nothing but good things about Calmini, I researched them and ordered them, the guy that helped me was short and helpfull, no extra BS. I gave him all my part numbers I wanted, I asked him if they would all work together and they did. He asked if I had any additional questions, I said no. They were sent 1 day before I expected them.



The mechanic that installed them siad they installed perfectly, as well as the suspension lift.


Even if the guy is an asshole its no reflection of the product.

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It reminds me of someone who is a total tool and only wants you to hear onside of the story. HIS! We are most likely not getting the rest of the story since he is the one who called back and taped the conversation. People like that have major mental issues.

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PBB page link


There is where the MP3 is from, and a whole big discusion relating to Calmini.



Hey not everyone likes everyone else or thinks a product is good, 88 had issues with AC BJ spacers, others didn't. Some people think Calmini is the best, I think it's over priced crap :shrug:

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haha alrighty so back to the steering system and its ease of install :P just to put in my two cents, i haven't heard anything bad about calmini from anyone on here, and their stuff all looks really solid (if i could afford it). of course there will always be haters of any product, because people would much rather complain about poor service or products than they would compliment them.

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