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Stupid Teenagers


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Fact is -it's not just teenagers. It’s just a certain percentage of people who have an attitude, feel entitled or maybe they're just not getting enough attention at home or positive reinforcement from their loved ones...whatever the root cause, there will always be the guarantee that 2-5% of people are A-holes. No matter where you are or what age group you surround yourself with. Accept it. Feel pity for them. And keep smiling at them. They won't know what to do.


I was driving to work one morning. It was along a 4 lane road, island in the middle kind of road with a couple of lights every 1mi to 1/2 mile... if you looked to your left you could see multi million dollar homes framed by ocean views off the cliffs of the California coast. It was a peaceful misty morning. I had the radio going and was surprisingly in a great mood for being on my way to work...when all of a sudden out of now here(!) some one laid on their horn and started riding up my butt and waving wildly from inside there car.... flailing their arms in fury...at first i thought something was wrong with my car and they were being nice and wanting to point this out to me. Maybe my tail light was out or maybe I had left my coffee cup on the roof of my car (it's possible) but as they whipped into the right lane, cut the person off who was there, and zoomed up next to me, they started cursing and giving me the finger (keep in mind they couldn't actually pass me- this is rush hour after all and there are many other cars driving the same road at 35 miles an hour) I wasn't sure how i should react. I thought about yelling back at them or giving them the finger...but you know, I was in TOO good of a mood and I didn't think some jerk should ruin it for me, so I smiled. I gave a cheerful wave at them and kept driving. A moment later, stopped at the next light, they were right next to me and the guy was finding joy in continuing his rant...so i rolled down my window, listened to a few expletives and finally said...(hahaha) "I'm so sorry you're having such a bad morning. I really hope it'll get better and you can enjoy the beautiful day" Oh, that really must have made his day, hahahah, the light turned green and he sped off in a huff...I'll never know what I or anyone else did to piss him off so much.


A few weeks later, i encountered the same attitude on a different road, at a different time, in a different car... they're out there. And there ain't a darn thing we can do about it.


Unless maybe it's me and I’m a really bad driver :-) WAVEY

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I agree LINDERS. My usual response to getting the finger (usually for some unknown reason) is to smile and flash the peace sign... Funny enough, it seems to piss them off even more... Thats alright by me; happy ulcers dumba$$. I guess it bothers them that they cant bring someone down to their level... :P



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