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New guy with asperations

Guest GeordieMuppet

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Guest GeordieMuppet

Hello to all, and thanks to those who provide me with my first tips.


I own a 92 Pathy SE with stock everything at the moment. One of the two previous owners was a bit of a tinkerer, and as such we found one or two little things we needed to fix...


- Exhaust Manifold (sheered off bolts)

- Break Fluid pump and master cylinder.

- Breaks - both font pads and calipers (one was not even the correct size)

- E-Brake Cable (which snaped when we were parked on a hill off road. It just came off in my hand honest?@!)

- Daylight running module (that was a weird one to trouble shoot)

- Fuel Injection sensors (if these ever go on your Pathfinder it becomes a little less fun to drive)

- fix a hole in the body work under the rear passanger seat (where it looked like someone had dropped something really heavy and then let it rust out)

- The windshield washer bottle which had an invisible leak somewhere.

- Door Locks and Stereo (It got broken into a week after we bought it).


And thats about it... so far. I'll probably make a start on fixing up the exhaust this coming week and that should be (hopefully everything needed for a while - save the transmition service). When I look at the list now it seems like quiet a lot but, it didn't feel like it at the time.


We do a little mild off roading, my inlaws live off the beaten track and there "Drive way" is not paved and best driven in a 4x4 and come winter and really wet weather is only passable in a 4x4. Other than that we manage maybe a trip a week off into the wilds somewhere. When summer comes around we're planning to throw the camping gear into the back and see how far we can make it in the wilderness.


Our hope is that we will have the car as close to grade A as possible by Jan 2006 as my wife and myself hope to drive down to South America in it from Canada. Maybe even drive all the way down to the bottom of Argentina and if we're lucky back again.

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