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Nissan Pathfinder Reliability - How Does It Compare?


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In late 2005 I started conducting reliability research. I'm reporting absolute stats like "trips to the shop" that will make the differences between cars much clearer. I'll also be updating results four times a year, so there will be information on new models sooner.


Participants report repairs the month after they occur on a one-page survey. When there are no repairs, they simply report an approximate odometer reading four times a year, at the end of each quarter.


I start collecting data on a model year when 25 owners are signed up. I'm nearly halfway there with the 2005 Pathfinder, and hope to get there before much longer for all recent model years. I haven't done much to get the word out to Pathfinder owners till now. But just checked and 85 are already enrolled, so there's clearly some interest.


To encourage participation, panel members will receive full access to the results free of charge.


For the details, and to sign up to help out:


Vehicle reliability research


Comments, questions, and suggestions welcome.

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I recently added a Common Auto Repairs Database (CARDb) to the site. People posting common repairs can include a link to a forum thread discussing the problem. I hope this will make it easier for people to find this information, while helping to grow the forums that have been lending a hand with the research.


Common Auto Repairs Database (CARDb)

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Current number of owners signed up for each model year or the current Pathfinder:

2005: 13

2006: 9

2007: 8

2008: 5


Same model years for the Toyota 4Runner:

2005: 27

2006: 18

2007: 36

2008: 6


A year is included in the survey when 25 owners have signed up. I'm going to have results in a few months for the 4Runner. I'd like to have the Pathfinder in there as well, but it's going to require more participants.


For the details, and to help make this happen:


Vehicle reliability research

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We're starting to put together the May results, and it doesn't look like we'll have enough responses to include either model year. The current survey runs through the end of the month, so it's still possible if more owners sign up and response. Otherwise, the next update will be in August.

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  • 2 months later...

We have updated results for the Pathfinder to include owner experiences through June 2009. In terms of successful repair trips per 100 cars per year:


2008: 65, about average


2005: 189, much worse than average


In both cases the sample sizes are small. The 2005 figure would likely be lower, but still worse than average, with more participants.


A big thanks to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in November and February, hopefully based on a larger number of responses.


Nissan Pathfinder reliability comparisons

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  • 3 months later...

We have updated results for the Pathfinder to include owner experiences through September 30, 2009. In terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:


2008: 47, about average


2005: 133, worse than average but (as predicted) better than last time


In both cases the sample sizes are small.


A big thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in February and May. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.


Nissan Pathfinder reliability comparisons

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  • 2 months later...

We have updated results for the Pathfinder to include owner experiences through December 31, 2009. In terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:


2008: 71, about average


2005: 108, worse than average but better than earlier


In both cases the sample sizes are small.


A big thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in May and August. With more participants, we could provide more precise information--these results would probably smooth out more from year to year.


Nissan Pathfinder reliability comparisons

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  • 5 months later...

We have updated results for the Pathfinder to include owner experiences through June 30, 2010.


Other sources of car reliability information won't cover the more recent months until the summer or even fall of next year.


Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:


2008: 56, about average


2007: 138, worse than average


2006: 64, about average


2005: 60, about average


In all cases, and especially the 2007, the sample sizes are small.


Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in November and February. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.


To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:


Nissan Pathfinder reliability comparisons

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  • 4 months later...

We have updated results for the Pathfinder to include owner experiences through September 30, 2010. Other sources of car reliability information won't cover the months since April until the summer or even fall of next year.


Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:


2008: 84, about average


2007: 123, worse than average


2006: 35, better than average


2005: 43, better than average


In all cases, and especially the 2007, the sample sizes are small.


Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in February and May. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.


To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:


Nissan Pathfinder reliability ratings and comparisons

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  • 2 months later...

We have updated results for the Pathfinder to include owner experiences through December 31, 2010.


Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:


2008: 90, about average, but not far from "worse than average"


2007: 159, worse than average


2006: 24, better than average


2005: 27, better than average


In all four cases the sample sizes are small, even very small for all but the 2005. This might explain some of the huge difference between the first two and last two years but probably not all of it.


Common problems for the 2007 and 2008 include radiator leaks (which can cause transmission failures), the fuel sending unit, and possibly also the steering angle sensor.


Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates in May and August. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.


To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:


Nissan Pathfinder reliability ratings and comparisons

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  • 6 months later...

We have updated results for the Pathfinder to include owner experiences through June 30, 2011.


Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:


2008: 51, about average


2007: 106, worse than average


2006: 12, better than average, seems too low to be accurate


2005: 85, about average


Sample sizes are small, even very small, for all but the 2005. This probably explains much of the variation from year to year.


We'll have further updates in November and February. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.


To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:


Nissan Pathfinder reliability ratings and comparisons

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  • 4 months later...

We have updated our reliability stats for the Pathfinder (on our redesigned site) to include owner experiences through September 30, 2011.


Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:


2008: 99, worse than average


2007: 107, worse than average


2006: 22, better than average, seems too low to be accurate


2005: 90, about average


Sample sizes remain small, even very small, for all but the 2005. This probably explains much of the variation from year to year.


Thank you, once again, to everyone who has been helping. We'll have further updates later this month and in May. With more participants, we could provide more precise information and cover all model years.


To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help improve this information:


Nissan Pathfinder reliability ratings and comparisons

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  • 10 months later...
We have updated our reliability stats for the Pathfinder to include owner experiences through September 30, 2012.

Repair frequencies, in terms of repair trips per 100 cars per year:

2008: 47, about average

2007: 43, better than average

2006: 44, better than average

2005: 39, better than average

Sample sizes remain small, even very small, for all but the 2005. This probably explains much of the variation from year to year.

We'll have further updates in February and May. We'd love to provide more precise stats and cover more model years--just a matter of getting more owners involved.

To see how competitors compare, and to sign up to help:

Nissan Pathfinder reliability ratings and comparisons

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