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Okay well my internet is super slow, and when I try to post threads or posts, it always says "Page Cannot be displayed". My way around this, is typing it out, highlighting it and copying it, then clicking post. When it doesn't work, I press the back button, then paste what I just typed in here... then post it again. It always works. UNLESS MY COMPUTER WONT COPY THE STUFF... So I took screenshots instead, cause I'm bored... and wierd.. and lazy and didn't want to type it out again. Outsmartted the computer.. ohhh yeeea...

So, here it is... My post starts now



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Thats sucks I hope you make a good recovery. i have had many of the same problems I must be one of the only 18 year old kids in college who doesnt drink. only difference is im 6'2" 260lbs and have a very poor disposition. I always do DD because most of my friends are girls and i could never forgive myself if something happend. This is what happend to me.. not trying to jack your thread.


I was at the bar sitting at a table drinking coffee like a looser when 3 guys started coming on to my very busty very drunk friend. so they were like dancing and such. Then they took her outside for a smoke. well i was pissed at this point and i follow them out side. when i get around they corner they are trying to force her into the car. I walk up and politly ask them to stop. drunk kids are so hospitable. Then It was done i say "Walk the *my "vocabulary" is so small* AWAY." they stop trying to force her in to the car and walk over to me and start talking @!*%. I said they were all alittle drunk and everything will be fine if i take my friend home. that went over well. i get hit in the face. the bouncer was witness to this so i grop the kid with one punch. i never countinue hitting people when they are down so i started to walk to my friend. and next thing i know 3 kids are coming up to me. Im not bruce lee but i know my stuff. Any way in the end they had black eyes and bruised egos. I walked away with a few scratches. i hate fights. why do scawny drunk kids pic fights with me... ill never understand

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Because they wanna fight cause they think they're tough.

Just like the fighting event here in Kamloops "So you wanna fight? Cuz you think you're tough"

Haha. Yeah I'm almost nineteen, 5' 11" and around 230 right now. I can't believe I went down, but it happens. I do have prety bad balance from a farming accident when I was thirteen (electricuted... I'll get the readers digest article posted some other time). Long story short, lost half of both of my feet, and I still can put up a pretty good scrap haha.


But yeah it's horrible. No doctors appointment for ten days, he's backed up until then.

The joys of Free Canadian Health care....

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F that, I'd be looking for revenge physically but you are doing the right thing. Try court first, or better yet drive past him tomorrow, (halloween) and throw a pumpkin at him while going about 40MPH....a 40 mph pumpkin would get him thinking. Sucks his dad is a cop, but you have to get that bastard just dont get too stupid..... :contract: P...P...

Edited by govols74n
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That sucks, if it is your ACL, he's taken a lot more from you than just a bad night. That's a potential life long issue, and a lot of recovery. Press charges, and do it asap while things are still fresh in everybody's mind. Do it, follow through, and if nothing is done to your satisfaction, take it to a higher level of authority (whatever that might be in your locality). Good luck!

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Yeah if it's an ACL thing it will haunt me for the rest of my life... I'll scan the readers digest about my accident when I was thirteen. I think that played a part in this injury, since my knee isn't very strong... well, as strong as my other one.

I'm thinkin a knee for a knee.... Louisville Slugger anyone?

It's gotta stop, he does this to way to many people. It seems like every other party he is at, he hurts someone. I think its time he sees what it feels like.

He wont get in any trouble if this is handled through filing assault charges or anything, he's gotten away with numerous beatings. His dad MUST play a part in that.

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Yeah if it's an ACL thing it will haunt me for the rest of my life... I'll scan the readers digest about my accident when I was thirteen. I think that played a part in this injury, since my knee isn't very strong... well, as strong as my other one.

I'm thinkin a knee for a knee.... Louisville Slugger anyone?

It's gotta stop, he does this to way to many people. It seems like every other party he is at, he hurts someone. I think its time he sees what it feels like.

He wont get in any trouble if this is handled through filing assault charges or anything, he's gotten away with numerous beatings. His dad MUST play a part in that.

Go over his dad's head then. Figure out who regulates them, go to local government, or even take your story to the local news. If you get nowhere, keep rattling cages. Even if you don't get legal action, you may be able to raise attention and ruin their name. If you go the Louisville Slugger route, about the only place you'll probably end is behind bars yourself for aggravated assault or the local equivalent.

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