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Posts posted by 91PathSE

  1. It was dark, rain, fog, windy, with branches and $hit everywhere, at 11:30 at night, so I wanted some extra lights, its just a switch away...haha. I was only doin about 40 in a 35 that night..so not to bad its not like I was doin 20-25 over.

    But oh well I dont care anymore.....



    My local town cops said fight it, for all you guys who said I should

  2. Its really a toss up, When I was learning to drive a truck at about 5-6 years old on our lil horse farm type deal, My dad wouldn't let me drive an auto till I could drive a manual(atleast in first and reverse).

    I like auto for some things

    I like maunal for some things

    Depends on my mood.

  3. i'd find out for sure what the laws say before i'd pay this possible 'extorsion'


    Thats kind of what I was thinking, I talked to a bunch of other guys I wheel with up here...and they all cover them for the reason of, "fines" and "cop harrassment".

    I am going to look deeper into the laws and maybe even take a trip to my local PD/FD and ask the sargent in person and see what he says. My town cops are awesome, so he's not going to bull$hit me. They dont give a @!*% what you do, I had a cop behind me we were both doin 20 over and he never stopped me, and thats a regular accorance. I've only seen 2 people pulled over in the 4 years that I've lived here.


    As for taking it to the court I'm awaiting a court date, and I'm goin to fight the weather one and dependign on what my local PD/FD says will determine my fight against being uncovered, and the reckless driving..is just pissin me off.

  4. I'm not going to play dumb, Because I've been stopped twice with them. Its all on record.


    Currently they have stupid looking KC smiley face covers on them, and my upper fogs have covers on them.


    As for the rear end breaking loose I was on dirt, and hit the gas a lil to hard and they spun for about .5 seconds and the bounced back on to the pavement, which got a reckless driving ticket.


    Then the same cop got me with all of my lights on(thats 10 pretty bright lights) on Saterday night, in bad weather, at about 11:30 pm with nobody on the road.


    So I decided that I'm just going to keep the overhead covered and off, unless offroad or in a blizzard and I'm going to pay up and fess up, and hopefully I get a cool Judge, and I wont be an a$$hole.


    I'll keep you guys posted on what happens.

  5. See I was being nice to the cop...I wasnt being an a$$hole at all...I didnt argue..Just my rearend broke loose when I pulled away...so I got the reckless charge. Then last night I got coaght with them on, but i was in pretty bad weather(they actually really helped).

  6. I have 2 sets of fogs, Niether are wired to shut off when highbeams come on...and I use them along with headlights at night....And both are pretty close to the middle. Just inside of the headlights, and the second set right below.



    The weather thing I dont know if I'll get away with it for safety issues.

  7. About a week ago I was driving down the road, speeding of course and I got Pulled over. The cop being a real a$$hole decideds, that he wasnt going to give me a ticket for goin 10mph over but instead for having my 4 KC's uncovered while on the road. So theres a 200 dollar fine. Well anyway I was pissed so I Left rubber as I pulled away(Plus I was on dirt and my tires spin pretty easily), He pulles me over again 2 minutes later for reckless driving, I got a ticket and a court date for that.


    After that I decide that I'm not going to go put covers on my lights because I use them almost everyday for work at home and at work itself.


    Last night (about 11:30pm) going down the road(same road), The weather was pretty bad up here in NH, Nobody was on the road so I wanted a lil extra light above my 2 sets of fogs and high beams, I turned on my 4 KC's about 5 or so miles down the road, I see blue lights behind me. I pull over, shut my lights off except for parkign lights turn truck off open window and turn on interior light. Low and behold its the same cop as before, He remembered me too, Now I have a $300 fine for having them on while on road.


    So I now have:

    $200 fine for lights not beign covered

    Ticket not sure what thats going to cost yet

    Court date

    $300 fine for lights being on


    Anybody ever have a similar Problem, or wanna loan me $500, or buy my pathfinder???? :suicide:

  8. The ones of the rotted is the 95...Unrepairable!!!(sorry pics arent good came from phone....the frame was repaired at one point before I got it. the axle actually fell out as i was drivign it up my driveway to the garage to take parts off of it.

    The ones of eth frame fixed is the 91..repaired...I'll take more of the repair later(I have to clean the mud off of it)




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