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Posts posted by StatutoryApe

  1. o ya, 88 brought up techno. i like techno too. mostly paul oakenfold stuff. one of my fav. techno songs is called emit/collect. anyone interested in techno should look it up.

  2. it is.


    mine are


    The Black Dahlia Murder

    Killswitch Engage

    As I Lay Dying

    and all those 80s metal bands that everyone mentioned.

    and some other modern stuff too

  3. Yep....Landshark's got ya. Personally, I cut out the safety hoop. I found that it just flexed too much, and made an irritating popping noise under my seat in turns.


    Anyone up here that's done a BL on a WD21 has done the same.


    i just never put mine back on after the bl installation :shrug:

  4. I understand what you are saying, but...

    Sorry for the old # but it's good enough. So, by adding ALL of the proposed $100+ billion to the $11,059 billion economy is going to fix it like my peeing in New York water supply is going to increase water pressure?!? 1% !?!

    It's a sad joke, and can only have value for publicity, political gain, or some such antics. The reason we are arguably in a recession, perhaps headed to a depression is that we have the largest national debt ever. Only surpassing Regan, who held the record then... The current administration has sold the american value to the rest of the world to further its goals, at the expense of the citizens. If there is some grand, long term plan, I was not asked, informed, or much less comprehend what it could be. Anyone have any idea?





    world domination.

  5. Problem with the "supply and demand" theory is that demand hasn't gone up as much as the price has in recent years.









    lol, 88, you just proved my point.


    if everyone looks at the two graphs, from 1990 up, i think we can all agree that fuel consumption across the globe has gone up, and the price in dollars/gallon (that's adjusted for inflation) has gone up at pretty much the same rate. the price you pay at the pump is just way higher. why? because of inflation (according to the graph)


    i won't even mention politics because i'd like to keep this post short and sweet.

  6. wooo so king is coming? suweet... I can't get power to my CB... wiring it through the cigarette lighter keeps blowing fuses... I don't know wth I'm doing ><... I got two hand held FRS radios that I'll be bringing though.


    my CB receives power from the same 2 wires that power my stereo. it was pretty easy to do it that way.

  7. no, BUSH, and all the dumbass morons that do nothing but fight in the middle east and africa are the reasons gas costs so much now....


    along with the morons that just use any excuse in the world to raise the price everytime a bullet is fired somewhere over there.....just to protect their overblown investments and line their pockets and bank accounts at our expence.


    Not like raising the price is going to magically make more gas or oil appear. Duuuuhhhhhhhhh.... It's all political...... theres loads of oil out there.....no wait, not just politial....but BS too.


    will they drill in colorado or thereabouts where there is more oil than anywhere else on the planet?? no....why? politics.......and a few tree huggers.


    But I have used high flow cats on my other vehicles and driven those without any cats.....absolutely no difference in performance, with cleaner emissions.


    anyhoo.... YAY IT'S FRIDAY!


    let's say you don't take into account the fact that the world's oil supply is decreasing: (we're using it faster than it's being made naturally, therefore it's decreasing)

    the demand for oil around the world is growing, and refineries have to match that supply. that means the price goes up.


    and despite the fact that oil companies are making a killing off of it (a few of companies are locked into contracts, as far as i know, for $18 a barrel) it's just simple economics.

  8. does anyone think it's a big deal that my front suspension creaks when i go over speed bumps? i only hear it when i go over speed bumps cuz i go over those slow n low. it sounds like someone's taking bubblewrap (the kind that you get in packages) and wringing them like a wet towel.


    i'd assume it has something to do w/ my new uca's or shocks, since i just did my suspension lift about a month ago.


    any ideas?

  9. I thought this was actually a good thread really getting into some good topics...tire heat/ friction, aerodynamics, engine torque, we hit on some really important points, and we had some pretty intelligent commentary and views on it all.



    i actually hadn't heard anything about that aerodynamics issue you brought up before. it makes sense though. good stuff :aok:

  10. Feel like a 15 year old in a damn coffee shop; chess anyone? I'm smarter than you!

    Yeah I banged yer ol' lady... (not directed at anyone just laughin' with ya!-)


    Back on subject.

    Get a daily driver is best option for a long commute (I squeeze into a corolla for my 70 mile round trip) and then blow all the cash I save on my Pathfinder, and the rest goes on the credit card.

    Since the capitalist law of Big Dolla Credit card bills states I don't have to pay it back as the world is going to end in 2012; so I can keep transferring balances for the next 4 years.


    Yeah thats what it sounds like...



    just wait til inflation kicks in that way the money you pay back to your credit card company isn't worth crap! :tonguefinger:

  11. do you have any pics for us? is it a close fit or what? cuz if you can't fit an oil filter wrench on the top of it, a strap-style wrench might be able to get around it. i just changed my oil today and found out that a Penzoil oil filter doesn't have enough clearance to fit an oil filter wrench in between the filter and the frame. i know for sure that bosch works, but i don't have headers.


    i wouldn't leave the same filter on because as soon as you let the new oil go through the old filter, it'll get dirty again.

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