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Posts posted by Fukinitupagain

  1. Thank you Kingman.


    My wife has had an even harder go at life than I have & she's ending up better than anyone else I know. By all rights she should be another statistic, but she's not. As for children we are waiting until she gets out of law school & we are more financial stable that way our children aren't anyone's burden (you see 94 I'm in effect helping you out by taking care of myself & my own).


    I don't put much stock in the group or the collective but I'd bet it all on the individual. The group will always be mod rule, stupid, ingnorant & lazy were as the individual can be taught to think & live & can stand on their own. Its not that I don't put much faith in people, on the contrary; I put all of my faith in people, in the individual. All of these wellfare programs & assistance programs & all of this other special interrest nonsense is basically saying to free human beings of the United States that "You're not good enough to make it in life. You're too weak or too feeble or dumb & because of this someone else needs to do it for you. Someone else needs to tell you how to think, what to feel how to live because you are not good enough to make your own decisions & choices & to make your own way in your own life. So here, we'll take a little of your personal freedom, a little of your personal liberty because you are incompinent & in exchange we'll control your life for you." I believe that people are good enough, that people are strong enough & in a real sink or swim situation the majority of people in this country will swim. They just need to wake up & realize that they are drowning...

  2. as to itupagain.. wow.. cold hearted bas... you are.. life isn't all about you. you, you.. i hope you learn that sooner then later.

    You are wrong with concerns of my life. My life is all for me; I don't live for anyone else nor would I expect anyone else to live for me. You might, but I don't...




    You must have few friends with such a selfish outlook on life.

    There are a ton of people that I am aquantences with but there are few people I have chosen as my real friends. You people say selffish as if its a bad thing, like its wrong to care for yourself & to want to look out for whats yours (family/friends). This business of wanting to help everyone is for the birds. If you want to help everyone go ahead but don't tell me I should.



    Tell me, would you consider the police/fire department a waste of your tax payer money? How about funding for the military? Or even such mundane things as road maintenance? How about k-12 education? All these things come from taxes "stolen" from you

    And unitl the late 30's these were taken care of by mainly imports & exports. Our current tax (state/federal income) system was only meant to be temporary but our goverment realized that people weren't fighting it & would continue to allow the goverment to take money that they earn. I'd have no problem with say something like the Fair Tax. Thats a tax based on how much I spend on things that are non essentials (Food, water & housing). If I choose not to pay taxes then I need not buy that new pair of pants, but being penalized for working & earning a living & following the rules is mindless tosh.


    (Do you realize that a country is by definition a "we"? That assumes participation on many levels and also means you give up certain rights and liberties to be part of a mutually beneficial system.

    "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a litle temprorary safety deserve niether liberty nor safety" -Benjamin Franklin


    I don't think I need to say any more on that statement.


    You know as in "We the people of the United States....")

    Thats "we" as a collective group of individuals not "we" as in for the greater good or as in your indivdual rights do not take precedent over the group. Our individual rights & freedoms should always take higher matter over the collective.


    If you ever lost your job, and were unable to get another one for some reason, I hope you make sure to not accept any sort of welfare that the government provides.

    I lived out of my car when I lost my job & couldn't continue on with my college education (and no I've never done drugs or even drank so it wasn't because of an addiction). Let me ask you this Mr. High & Mighty when was the last time you were homeless? When was the last time you were scrounging around in dumpsters looking for something to eat for you & your dog? Don't sell me this pitty bullsh!t cause I aint buying it. I've been as low as it goes & do you know who was there to help me? No one! I was 20 years old & I picked myself up & got my life together. I'm now working on my masters degree living in a nice apartment with my 2 dogs & my wife, so don't give me any of this we need to help everyone crap. I pay for school in cash every semester from a BS manual labor job that I have. I don't usually talk about this because everyone gives you that I'm so sorry look but they can take that & shove where the sun don't shine. Everything I've been through in life has made me who I am & I'm proud & happy the way I've ended up. In this world you either do for yourself or not at all. Period.



    If your house is on fire, I'm sure the fire department would be happy to know that you don't expect or want them to come save you and your family because of your principles.

    You know thats kind of a sh!t thing to say like I hope you get cancer & then you can really see what its like to suffer or some bullsh!t like that, but in any event I'll respond: In April of 1987 my family's home was pretty well destroyed from a flood that picked the house up & moved it about 30 feet away essential washing away most of our valuables & earthly posessions. Now even though my parents had homeowners insurance & had flood coverage because there was something like 6-8" of mud that came along the insurance company would not classify it as a flood (even though the water level was about 10' high). No it was classified as a landslide. This was a system that my parents paid into that was supposed to be there for aid & assistance when sh!t like this happens but instead they turned their backs on us. Now I know what you're thinking: Boston thats not goverment thats a private insurance company. Not when the insurance is through a state job that is ran by the state, then it becomes a goverment faction. Not to mention there are/were supposed to be programs through the state that are funded by our taxes that are supposed to help people out in times of dire need & disaster but when my parents applied for them they were denied based on the fact that they had jobs (not well paying jobs either) & had insurance.


    And I should hope based on your principles you would never send your children to a public school to get an education.

    I grew up in public schools in the poorest state in this country & let me just say our, as a nation, public education system sucks. I'd never let my future kids go to public schools & have to sit through that utter dribble that they spew out to these kids. The problem is you have some jacktard from Kansas (this is not a harp on Kansas or its people, I mean jacktard in the sense that he is a career politician, has no clue about the real world & I could have used any state, sorry for any harsh feelings) that lives in D.C. & tells people in North Carolina how to run their school systems. I'am not sure that people from Charlotte, NC know whats going on in Raleigh, NC or in Greensboro, NC & so on & so forth for that matter either.



    *Hey B, how was that? I don't think there were any personal attacks, right? See I can play nice when i want to ;) *

  3. I can't explain myself why you don't want everybody in your country to receive free healthcare?


    Just like some deserve it and others don't


    If all americans put to shoulder to the wheel cost will be going way down, for indivuduals.

    Thats scoialism. I have insurance because I pay for it & in all honesty I don't care if my neighbors besideme don't have it. Hell I don't care if they suffer & die, cause I know that if my family struggles no one comes to our rescue & I don't expect anyone to. If you take care of & yours then thats all that needs to take place. I shouldn't have to be forced to take care of others & to be forced at the point of a gun (yes at the point of a gun because its money thats stolen from my income - taxes - that is used in these bullsh!t programs & if I refuse to pay taxes I am arrested & hauled off to jail - thats at the point of a gun) to contribute to charitees that I don't believe in nor do I care about. We are taught from a young age to love & care for everyone but its crap! My love & respect has to be earned not given out freely for the simple act of being born.


    We is the word in which the depraved steal the virtue of the good; by which the weak steal the might of the strong; by which the fools steal the wisdom of the sages. What is my joy, if all hands even the unclean can reach into it; what is my wisdom, if even the fools can dictate to me; what is my freedom, if all creatures, even the botched & the impotent are my masters; what is my life, if I am but to bow, to agree & to obey. But I am done with this creed of corruption; I am done with the monster of We.

  4. Also, I think there is a difference between thinking your race is superior to others and simply working towards leveling the playing field for a race that has historically been ostracized, beaten, murdered and forced into slavery.

    Are you talking about the Irish? Maybe the American Indians? It was the indigenous people of South America, right? The Indians?... Everyone's been beaten up & takin advantage of at some point so either go back to commenting on Obama calling Kanye the jackass he is or shut up in this thread & make a new thread about your views on race/politics in this country. Either way people need to keep their personal sh!t to PM's & don't comment on political & social propoganda when all we are trying to do is have a laugh at a funny statement.

  5. I honestly don't know what the problem is. I am one of those odd people I guess that do not believe in censorship, at all. If you want to get on to the radio or on the TV & say a bunch of foul things (cussing & derogatory terms) them by God, at least here in America, its supposed to be your right. We no longer have freedom of speech here, & I can say for sure for any other country either guys cause I don't know you laws & rights, because a few people or maybe even a large number of people get offended or upset or it hurts their feelings. Well I'm gonna tell you guys what I told the police officer who pulled me over & tried to give some BS lecture because he has a high school diploma & a badge now, which is luckily for us here in the US feelings/emotions are not covered in the Bill of Rights nor in the Constitution. If you don't like what’s on TV or on the radio change the station, don't censor it. If you don't like what someone says on here or their name or a small insignificant little picture up in the corner then don't go into that thread or don't come around here. Pirate is pretty wide-open & there are many people who bitch & complain about how mean everyone is over there & how foul they are but somehow how they are the largest online 4x4 forum on the net, so that tells me that more people than not don't mind a little freedom of speech.


    That all being said, mods/admins understand that this is not a personal attack on any of you. Where this is a public speaking forum it is also a privately owned forum, which means you can make whatever rules & judgments you want without any just cause, that’s the beauty of private enterprise, & if we, the patrons of this forum, don't like it then we can jog off & find another place or we can start our own. That’s how this dog & pony show works. I just wanted to rant a bit about freedom of speech & more importantly personal freedom & the freedom to make up one's own mind. If this is not a free place like stated in the above then just tell us from the begining, like I've said this is your tree & I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut...

  6. There's a lot worse out there, the boob bounce one

    Yeah that was one of the couple of avatars that I've had taken down by the mods. Its whatever for me. I seems to always come back to my diversity one. If you want to see a nasty one check out my avatar over on NOAS. Nice, right?...


    So if I have an avatar of a silhouette of two guys touching eachother, none of you would take offense??

    The only way I'll go along with this is if their c*cks are touching, other than that its just softcore cinemax porn & you've just wasted my time Pezzy. LOL... BTW never watch a movie called Short Bus... ughh, flashbacks. Don't back out on us now Pezzy, we're all excited now.

  7. Then whats the point of the SFD?

    This is what all I've been working out in the 21 or so months I've been waiting on it. I can still use the engine blocks & the steering link... I'd rather not use spacers if at all possible at this point. I'm willing to use them in the front until I can get my sh*t together for the coilover converstion

  8. let me know how those coils turn out, Boston, as I may also wind up going that route

    I'm thinking of doing a sort of fabbed up control arms up front with coilovers right now as well, but I gotta see what my money situation is. When everything is done I'll post stuff up.

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