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Posts posted by frecklecolouredbrain

  1. These types of shops are great. When i lived in Toronto i had to use a few. They charged 20-30/hr or a 120/day flat rate. I had to sign an insurance waiver just incase i burned the place down, but that was never a problem. One of the ones i wen to was a little more cash40/hr..no flat rate. But, they had fully equipped, no charge, tool room, just like highschool shops. The guy behind the counter would order the parts for you if you needed. and, he was a Very experience retired mechanic. If you couldn't figure it out he would help diagnose for no charge

  2. you might have a problem with your torque converter.


    I heard a bad one ther other day at a stoplight that sounded like a broken blender. When the light turned green, the truck drove forward and the sound disappeared totally. gotta love ford

  3. i have the same high-idle issue in the cold, but it's because my warm air intake valve is a little sticky. once the outside temp is around 15C I get no problems (15-1700rpm). It may also have somethng to do with the little intake warmer/spacer under the TB. I just cleaned all the EGR crap off of it so I'll find out this winter.


    That sputtering is probably because you have the wrong size cold air setup, and your engine is breathing a little too easily(kinda like the wind blowing in your face when you take a big breathe) causing it to choke a little. I'm guessing at this because i reset my idle to 800 and found out that she'll stall after running for about five minutes with the air-filter out.

  4. i don't know about stud kits, but dorman is the #1 supplier for cast OEM parts. #1 supplier doesn't really mean #1 quality tho. A friend of mine works at Canadian Tire as the Mechanics liason/Auto guru, and he says Dorman is @!*% as far as cast steel parts go.

  5. It is better to get the 180. I just put in a 175 and after it opens, the coolant keeps heating up to about 185. That may sound fine, but the last 5 degrees before my engine kicks down take a LONG time. The longer your thermo stays closed while warming up..the less time your engine stays in "open loop", and less gas she Chug-a-lugs.

  6. Ok, so i replaced my rad and t-stat this weekend and was surprised at how easy it was compared to everything else i've done. But, now my temp needle is reading at the warning line when at idle. when i checked the coolant temp, it was between 175 and 185. After pushing it like a racecar for 45 minutes i had 195. I know that my gauge reads a little high anyway, but its never been like this.


    Does anybody know the actual normal operating temps for our engine?(not the t-sat opening temp). i'm pretty sure my sensor and/or gauge is done, I just want to be sure that i'm ok at the temps i'm running.

  7. if you have a manual, turn your radio off and listen to your fan. When it's running, it make A LOT of noise. after about 3000 rpm it stops and your engine sounds really quiet because the clutch kicks in and the fan stops. So, if your running lower rmps it'll stay cool no matter what gear you're in. My advise is to let it warm up while you watch the temp gauge and listen for the engine to drop down in rpm. and mark that spot. if it's not centred then you're gauge is fkt. mine comes out of "open loop" 3/4 up the gauge and sits 1/4" off of 0 degrees when my engine is cold... you might have the same issue.

  8. you can take off the entire cover without removing anything. there are a couple of bolts in some tricky spots, but it can be done. And look at your Haynes for the proper replacement order; if you don't put the bolts on in the right order nothing fits properly. Hint: remember how you did it. When you change your thermostat, you won't have to take off all your belts if you remove the T-belt cover.

  9. me again. i took a look at the ics farther up and that hole looks way too big. if you have it all apart try to get the old spacer off and take a look at the rod. the sqeaky you had/have is the rod rubbing on the frame it looks like. that was my issue.

  10. 3/4 is about right, but i'm going by the width because mine are a but oval. P.O never changed 'em. the busshing not being welded should really affect anything. i used some 3/4 fender washers as replacement cup and torqued it to the max. in the range(108lbs i think). i haven't had any troubles more than some minor sqeakyness under very light stress. and i drive it like a race car. let me know if you have any trouble getting the rods back in tho. mine took about 3hrs a piece to put back.

  11. Once upon a time a man who love bacon fell in love with a pig. A few days later, he had the swine flu. Dying, he decided to travel the world. He drove until he found the mud. Then he said, "Hey guys, watch this!". and he do some fancy stunts with his new Pathfinder. Unfortunately, his love-pig fell out the window. Not realizing this he continued doing doughnuts, repeatedly driving over his lover with his churning rear tires!! Then he thought he could smell fresh cooked bacon and stopped to figure out where the smell was coming from. It turned out to be his exhaust pipes. So he sat down, and ate what was left of his lover. After the good meal, he diced to go home. Ended up rolling his truck into the ditch! "I can't believe I'm alive" he laughed. But he... fell to his knees vomiting and passed out. As he lay there, he had a quite vivid dream. He was standing naked on top of a tall mountain with hundreds of piglets throwing baby gherkins at him. He retaliated with a BB gun and shot all the piglets. Drool ran from his comatose mouth as the thought of all that bacon piled up.


    Eventually he regained consciousness laying in a ditch, covered with vomit, next to his rolled truck and realized how hungry he was now. Then suddenly a girl appears from the distance and kicks him in the "ding-ding"! "Hey! you ganna eat this?" she asked, pulling a slab of bacon off the still steaming exhaustpipe.

  12. Once upon a time a man who love bacon fell in love with a pig. A few days later, he had the swine flu. Dying, he decided to travel the world. He drove until he found the mud. Then he said, "Hey guys, watch this!". and he do some fancy stunts with his new Pathfinder. Unfortunately, his love-pig fell out the window. Not realizing this he continued doing doughnuts, repeatedly driving over his lover with his churning rear tires!! Then he thought he could smell fresh cooked bacon and stopped to figure out where the smell was coming from. It turned out to be his exhaust pipes. So he sat down, and ate what was left of his lover. After the good meal, he diced to go home. Ended up rolling his truck into the ditch! "I can't believe I'm alive" he laughed. But he...

  13. hey all from s'toon. I read some of the earlier posts and had a laugh cause this place blows. I can't find any hills/slopes/bumps/bush. do potholes out here count as wheelin'?

  14. never will I ever. The p.o used to and now i have two arm-rests made of electrical tape, scratched up carpet in the back, missing pieces of window tint, and enough gouges in the boot panels to make me want to rip it all out and rhino coat

  15. tranny #2 came with 178k and i've maybe put on another 7 or so. i'm not too sure cause my speedo broke and i've been lazy with it.


    T#1 was rebuilt in the 160k's, and blew up at 299. the P.O didn't know about the 5.1l thing and i wanted to push it until it stopped. man, that was the best rattle i've ever heard. too bad i didn't record it.

  16. you have 2 options.


    1. find an empty parking lot. the trick is tromp on the gas for about 50m, then brake HARD. Really hard.


    2. if that don't work. you'll have to get under your rig and findthe point where the main cable splits off to each drum, and where the left and right cables go into each drum. Then it's just like adjusting the hand brakes on a bicycle.

  17. For a year now, i've heard this gurgling noise from my engine compartment and could never figure out what it was. It sounded like someone trying to get that last bit of slurppy from the bottom of the cup. Anyway, i just found out that it was coming from my AIV box so I took a look, and didn't like what i found(for those that don't know, its the thing that looks like a land-mine behind the left headlight).


    I open this thing up and the filter in it looked like it was used to clean up a dirty oil spill. smelled pretty bad too, so out it came. I just put the box back without the filter and immediately i noticed a different smell to my exhaust; less bad stuff in it. And it sounds a little better.


    Just thought i'd share that in-case the newer owners of the older models had the same noise issue. But, I do have a question.


    Has anybody ripped this thing out yet or replaced with an electric air pump? My new headers don't have the hook up for this system, so i'm looking for some input.





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