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Posts posted by The_Magicians_Eye

  1. It's a must for you guys to take pics. I was up in Heber last weekend and was playing around on some trails. Woke up Sunday and there was snow. Luckly we had 4x4 and they let us come back to the vally while my parents had to stay another night up there. That was my first time driving in snow and ice. It was crazy and kinda scary at sometimes. But the pathy did great. Wish I was going with you guys I need some propper skills on driving offroad.



    I'll have my cameras so as long as we take our time up and allow me time to shoot some action I'll get it done. Last time I was to worried about making it up to even think about shooting.

  2. I saw on the news tonight that the storm put 18 in of sow in Crown King. Should be melted by Saturday but it might be muddy.


    Sounds like fun lol. I could be wrong but I don't think the trail will be too bad. There was snow up by horse thief lake that was melting and had that road pretty muddy the last time I went up. Even if it's muddy we should be fine so long as no one does anything stupid. The obstacles should be interesting to say the least if their wet. I was wondering how much water will be in the rock beds.


    Just think, I was trying to plan this trip for this past Saturday. We'd have woke up to that mess on Sunday morning if we went then.

  3. Got mine from 918pathy today. Thanks again buddy. Let's hope I can get it hooked up and working before Saturday. I'm going to install the MM hubs tonight. At some point this week I'll be taking back the wrong steering box that I got from the JY and getting another one. If I don't get it installed I'll just make sure I bring plenty of power steering fluid with me just in case lol.

  4. So I figured I'd try and send a group message to everyone interested in going but I couldn't figure out how to send a message to more than one person on here. Anyway we only have a week before this trip. KovemaN suggested we meet at a staging area around 8am - 9am. Put this into google maps and let me know if this is the staging area you were thinking about.




    I don't have a CB but I do have a set of two way radios. How about the rest of you?


    Who for sure will be going? The only way I'm not going is unless something catastrophic takes place between now and then. From the looks of it all the rooms in town are booked. KovemaN and I have rooms but unless you guys are lucky you may have to plan to camp out at one of the sites near town. That's free camping but it's first come first serve. If you've never been on this trail it's pretty rough while driving through the river rocks but all tough obstacles have a bypass. My buddy's stock Cherokee made it without a problem on all season tires.

  5. If I was you I would start planning on going threw everything listed above if you want your ride to last. Used car owners tend to forget how many years of wear and tear the parts on their cars/trucks have taken. From my experience when things start falling apart on older vehicles it's like an avalanche of things falling apart. Think about it. If a part made of rubber or plastic falls apart there is a great chance all of the other rubber and plastic parts similar to the one that fell apart will be failing soon. Basically if you plan on being a used car/truck owner and don't want to find yourself in the typical, "$hit now I can't get to work" situation because your ride broke down, You'll need to stay on top of replacing everything at some point. I'd start with the parts that could cause a very unsafe situation i.e. brakes, steering, and suspension. Then go strait for the timing belt, cam/crank seals, water pump, belts, and hoses. Next I'd tackle the vacuum lines and hoses. Then lastly I'd go after the fuel filter, trans cooler (bypass the radiator and buy a nice large external cooler), ignition system, and replace or find replacements for all of the ECU connected sensors. You don't need to replace them if they aren't bad but finding an keeping a replacement will prove to be a huge stress saver when one of them does fail on you.


    If you do all of those things your ride will last you many many years to come so long as your engine and trans are up to the task wear wise.


    To many people buy used cars for 1000 or 2 and expect them to last forever just because they ran good when they got it. The above might sound like a ton of money but think of it this way. A payment on a new car would get you for an extra $200 - $600/month for a reasonably priced ride. Then tack on the full coverage insurance and any maintenance costs along the way. If you took half that money every month and spent it on your used car you'd have a really nice ride in a very short period of time. The new car will start to look like $hit and start falling apart in that same period of time after spending twice the money on it.

  6. I wasn't going to add anything to this thread but I agree with tungsten! :blink: Huh? What? That has never happened before!

    I don't climb trees or rocks so I don't think I'll break a auto hub. I did switch to manuals because I found a set cheap and I lock them when I get to the camp but I'm always worried I forget to unlock them. And yes I'm lazy too, we are the only hunting camp I know of with an automatic remote gate.



    I hear you on this. It's definitely a trade off for sure. I'm as lazy as the next but being able to put the truck in 4 low and not lock the hubs will give me 2 low (with some very bad gas mileage). I can't express how many times I've wanted a lower main gear while on the trail. However I play in the rocks and other things that I shouldn't if I want my truck to last and I've on two occasions heard my driver side hub pop really loud. It didn't break but it scared the hell out of me. I think the popping is coming from the hub not being fully engaged. So basically I'm wanting to sacrifice my lazy tendencies to have 2 wheel low and a little more security. Also I still have that tempting desire to weld up the front diff, not sure if I will but it's tempting.

  7. The Magician's Eye is/was my photography company's name. I keep it around just in case I get a hair up my ass and start shooting again. Arizona is so uninspiring when it comes to art photography and the motor sports photography industry is dead. To much time money and effort into it just to sell 8x10s for $10 - $15. Magazines don't pay $hit anymore ether. I had one good paying client left "Speedway Motors" when I landed shots that they wanted to use for their catalog covers but that was like once a year.

  8. Stock vs Mile Marker hubs. What's stronger?


    I've seen Warn vs MM but can't seem to find any info on whether these are stronger than the stock auto hubs. We all know they are much cheaper than the other new options out there but I don't want to waste my money on something that may be weaker than the stock auto hubs.

  9. i had those on my old 89 2door pathy...not a big fan...there was no way to make it look right and i got rid of them...$35 is pretty cheap...4x4parts.com has new ones for $325...wow




    these are not my trucks but you can get an idea of what they would look like



    Keep in mind that the truck on the bottom has long travel suspension. Any trucks with stock length arms will look more like the first pic.

  10. I didn't pull the fenders because I think they look ridiculous! Maybe if the rest of the truck was set up to match it would look better. I can pull them if someone wants them but pick a part wants around $35 per fender and the shipping on these things would probably be around the same price. Believe me without matching fenders in the back and around 15" wide tires they would not look good on a pathfinder.



    I want the fenders. I'll pay the $35 per fender plus shipping. I'll have the money on Wednesday if you want to grab them for me.

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