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Posts posted by Simon

  1. :shrug: how'd you get that impression curiously? Maby Ask Simon if his Xterra was an upgrade/downgrade/give here-take there compared to his past wd21 history. He could probably give a good "I like this but not that" analogy


    Problem with trying to compare is most people are pretty thickheaded to back up the particular platform they have (guilty. and if you look and see some of it that DOES go in, it's usually in good fun just poking at each other) but honestly the whole line have their pros and cons whether it be wd21s wd22s r50s r51s heck throw the pickups in there as well!


    I've only had my X off road a few times (busy life the last year or so) but I can tell you this.



    The Xterra rear end suspension sucks, stock. I've installed revolver shackles and longer shocks, which should hopefully cure this issue. I'll report back on that later. WD21 wins here, so far.


    The LSD also sucks, with about half the strength of the WD21 unit. This was exacerbated by the fact that I couldn't keep both rear tires on the ground with any reliability. WD21 wins here as well.


    The increase in power is noticeable, and appreciated both on and off road. Especially given that I run 33x12.5" tires, I need all the help I can get. WD22 wins here.


    Solid frame in the WD22 is definitely an ease of my mind, and while that's not an issue for all WD21 owners, it certainly becomes one at some point in time for those in salt using areas. WD22 wins here.


    They both lose for HORRIBLE steering design, as essentially nothing changed in that regard from WD21 to WD22. It was $h!t and it's still $h!t

  2. ^^^^ Or lower ball joint. Sometimes the weight of the knuckle/tire/brake/bearings can hide lower balljoint problems. Jack up the truck so that the front wheel is only an inch or two off the ground, then put a long prybar under the tire, and lift up. If there's play, that you didn't notice before, it's most likely the lower ball joint.

  3. The intercooler would have been a little easier to locate down there. The priority of the project is to decrease the lag. This configuration cuts the amount of intercooler ducking by about 70%.


    This engine has a 7.8 to 1 compression from factory. Any idea I can come up with to get the boost to amp up faster is being entertained. I was thinking supercharger for many years but it doesn't compensate for the altitude like a turbo will.


    And... when this engine takes a crap it makes it much easier to shoehorn a VH45 under the hood.





    Simon, interesting enough this rig is next.. It is currently on 33's and will be lower on 35's when done.



    Makes sense regarding the intercooler.


    I look forward to seeing pics of that sucker done up as well. Your work is always a treat for us mere mortals. :beer:

  4. This is an R50 (according to the profile). Check your steering rack bushings, as well as ball joints for play. Otherwise, it could be the strut bearings (top of the struts) or even the strut tower corrosion issue for which there's a recall.


    Basically, jack the truck up, put it on stands, and have someone turn the wheel left and right, while you poke around underneath for the sound.

  5. how long does the TB take to replace on this truck???

    If you've got everything you need in terms of parts, and the correct tools, probably around 7-8 hours for a first timer.


    I've got it down to about 3.5-4 hrs for a VG motor now. But I've done quite a few of them. My first one I must have lined up, and relined up the timing belt 15 times because I was so scared, which I'm sure accounts for much of the added time. :lol:

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