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Everything posted by fordsho90

  1. fordsho90


    train vs dumbasses here is the link
  2. fordsho90


    how Ironic........ my next door female freind just got home and she told me that there was a car vs train incedent in my town watch the news later drift!!
  3. fordsho90

    Admit it

    wow thats a blast from the past
  4. please dont tell me he is trying to pick up chicks like that??? :eek:
  5. We have the same problems in Florida thats one thing I dont miss about living there
  6. we are lucky where we live it really hasent hit here yet just crack heads and dope fiends..
  8. fordsho90


    when I was a Freshmen in high school we had a day off and I was walking back to this chicks house I was playing around with. And we were at the crossing waiting for an Amtrack to blaze by when all of the sudden two bums thought they could make it across and well one hesitated and the other didnt, lets just say the the bum who hesitated didnt make it he was wasted and I have to say it was pretty nasty,needless to say the girl who was with me got splatered with blood and almost hit by a flying unattached leg, poor girl she was never right after that.
  9. fordsho90

    Admit it

    but he has also boned some of the hotest chicks back in the day
  10. fordsho90

    Admit it

    Tears for fears Supertramp Prince's Purple rain c.d
  11. happy bday ....yeah your old....NOT!!!!
  12. howdy and welcome to NPORA Chicago here
  13. I will do you one better.........Docs whom hang around to damn long....You know the kind that should have retired 15 years ago
  14. fordsho90

    Tour De

    and on a final note(maybe) team disbands
  15. sounds like you got your hands full
  16. Child molesters Wife beaters People who call wanting to clean my gutters at 7:30 a.m pssd Hippies People who want to tell me how to live my life. People who think they know it all but dont know sh!t
  17. fordsho90


    bump.....here ya go drift
  18. LMAO good point but ALWAYS remeber you can drink an ugly girl pretty but you CAN'T drink a fat girl thin.
  19. nope....well ten again beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  20. crack heads lawyers insurance adjuster theives Il. politians and their corropt families self serving caulksukers x wives(well mine anywho) punks tricks
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