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Posts posted by OldSlowReliable

  1. Think of who would watch it, wanna be teens who have only worked on a car in Need for Speed and Forza (forza's not bad... ;) ) where the entire basis is the engine, and paint!


    Not a whole lot of people would watch a show that details suspensions and such, so they only have a few shows that detail that stuff..

  2. As someone said up there^^


    Its mainly suppressor vs silencer....and the fact that they have all the licenses and such


    Tracers are legal in alot of places AFAIK...there's a couple videos on youtube I saw a while ago of some guys shooting mini-propane tanks with them...interesting, dangerous, but pretty much the only purpose I can think of ;)

  3. I have a welder, and have been planning on making one for myself since I did my lift...however I am living on campus right now so I can't really build anything...


    If you can wait till this summer (may)I'd be happy to crank out an additional one :)

  4. put em on your brushguard. You already have it, it protect them, no added wind resistance, they will look better (in my opinion), easier wiring/mounting, and if you need/want to put light covers on them, you can do it relatively easily vs on the roof(depending how tall you are). You also will not worry about adding 6-8" to the height for parking/drivethrus/carwash


    Although it does look like you have a roof rack, it's still way more of a PITA to mount them up there


    To mount them on the pipe supports of you brushguard-


    1) Drill through the pipe, run a longer screw

    2) Weld on a light tab (imo the most reliable/proven method)

    3) Use one of those chainlink fence things that someone else just used, they basically wrap around the pipe and have two pieces of metal that meet as a tab, when you tighten it, it clamps down on the pipe making a pretty easy, cheap, and adjustable light mount. http://www.fencetraders.com/chain-link-fence/chain-link-fittings-and-hardware/brace-bands/cat_192.html

  5. Well took the path for a trailing today and everytime I move from 2H to 4L

    itll grind. Is this normal or something is wrong. Sometimes ill take me about

    3 tries jsut to engange it. I tried stopping on a flat area put it on reverse

    drive a couple of feet and sometimes it works sometimes it just doesnt help

    at all. Im jus asking this question because searching for teh answer Im

    doing the exact steps its telling me to do. Little help is appreciated.

    Ill check transmission fluid tomorrow first thing in the morning after I

    let it run for a couple of mins.


    It's not the transmission fluid. And if I'm reading your post correctly, you're doing it wrong.


    It may be a diff procedure for the r50s, but here's what I have to do in order to engage 4l on my wd21;



    Put it in park.

    Move the shifter down to 4l.

    Put it in drive.

    Go forward.



    I think you are mistaking the "drive reverse 6ft" with the process used to unlock automatic hubs.


    For a more precise answer, read your manual carefully, or wait for someone who owns and r50 to come in here.

  6. are you telling me that the snorkel is to the altenator? lol. any water in the cap will make the car not run let alone if it has crappy plug wires that wont be good either. it only takes a table spoon of water to bend a rod by the way.

    I'm just going to say it; you have a really condescending attitude, or at least type like it. Sorry.



    It may take a tb spoon to bend a rod, but I've seen worse things result in no damage. Either way you proved my point, a table spoon of water splashes into your air filter and you're done. Still think a snorkel is useless?


    I think its obvious, the guy in the photo has a pretty sick rig, and has effectively waterproofed it. Although I have absolutely NO experience with diesel engines, it is a right hand drive, therefore very possibly has a diesel in which case I'm pretty sure they don't have alot of the electronics vs water issues that petrol engines do. In fact, I think I remember people commenting on h1 hummers being very water-capable because they only need a higher source of air to be waterproof.


    You cannot tell me that without a snorkel, all those crazy youtube video's we've all seen could have happened! Sure they do alot of work to modify the rest of the engine, but without a snorkel none of that other stuff would be necessarily, as soon as you lose the wave you have going in the water, you'd be done! Atlease with electrical stuff it can usually dry out, or be quickly replaced for only a couple bucks!


    For the person who's posting the topic asking questions, you sure seem to know everything there is to know. I'd also like to mention that people point at our wd21's the same way you just laughed at h2's. I've seen hummers in general do some pretty impressive things on the trail, and wouldn't hesitate to wheel with them again!


    Another good reason why people put them at roof level, is because they will probably NOT be going as deep as their head, therefore they can safely assume they will not accidentally dip it into the water, lets face it, if they are up to their roof they have bigger issues at hand! If they put the intake at fender level, they actually have a pretty good chance of getting water in, I've had water up over my hood, and it glides right up there no problem, all it takes is a table spoon (apparently) ;)

  7. Someone was thrown parts at it guessing... You didn't even get lube or a reach-around. Since you basicly listed a tune up then seperatl said "a tune up", what did they consider the "tune up"?

    Free lunch for the whole garage I'm guessing!


    $800 still sounds high, even if they *did* throw all those parts at it until it fixed the issue...

  8. :goodpost:


    That pretty much sums it up.


    Kinect is pretty wicked; Move is just as good, though.


    Free online and Blu-ray. Not much else to say. PS3 FTW. :aok:

    Lol I just looked up playstation move..didn't know that existed! Those orb sticks look kinda stupid though...just sayin ;)

  9. angle iron. enough said

    Or C tubing, or square tubing, or round tubing...these are all very good options..


    There's a company about a mile from me that makes offroad stuff for jeeps, their bumpers use a combination of sheet steel and steel tube. They make the main body with two 2x4's of steel tubing, weld it all together, then add sheet steel to make it look like what the customer is looking for by welding it on and grinding it smooth. Strength where it counts, convenience where its necessary!


    That being said, I used only 3/16"x2"x5" rectangular tubing to make my bumper, 1/4"x2" strap for the upper mounts, and 2"x2"x3/16" square tubing for the lower mounts. Mine is completely welded together, and aside from some miter edges it is all in the form that I bought it where it matters (in the center portion where the weight will be applied during recovery) the only cut/bent/welded steel is on the wings, and those could be made out of paper for all I care, they serve two purposes 1)Protect the corners if I happen to brush up against a tree or rock, or 2) make it look perty!

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