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Replaced speedo cluster...now I have CEL


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Hi all, couple of questions regarding my newly installed cluster I bought off of eBay:


I just replaced my speedo cluster on my 95 SE because the odo was dead. I replaced it with another 95 one, only it has a digital tripometer. That's the only thing that doesn't work...does that have different wiring compared to my old analogue one? Is there a way to make it work?


Also, since I hooked everything up and drove around a while...very happy that I have a working odo now with the same mileage as before...I noticed my CEL came on. Is there a conflict with the speed sensor? I'm baffled.


Thanks in advance...

Edited by jpawela
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Just checked, it's definitely the speed sensor. Shouldn't think a different cluster would make it freak out like this. Also noticed on an excursion last night that my cruise control doesn't work now. It did before the cluster swap. The light on the dash button comes on, but the steering column buttons don't seem to be responding. Fuse?

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^ I guess I need to take a trip to my mechanic...I'm at a loss what to do next. I've had problems with my VSS before. Now it's constant though. I also noticed after a few days of commuting to work that my speedometer is WAY off. It reads 10mph faster than what I'm actually doing.


It seems that project I do myself to save $$ opens a can of other problems. It's frustrating!

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