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So, It was slow as all hell at work today (I literally had nothing to do but clean my tool box) so I clocked out and worked on my Pathy. I changed the plugs, which I think might be the original ones, ill have to get a pic tomorrow cause there is literally a 1/4 of an inch gap, and the timing belt, also might be the original one, there were a few teeth missing here and there, and shredded rubber gummed up in all the crevices inside the timing cover. But I got it changed, along with all the belts and a coolant flush, so I have a little peace of mind now that I know the timing belt isn't going to fly off the handle 20 miles out in the middle of nowhere. :itsallgood:

Now for the wheeling. I went down the wash behind my house for awhile untill I reached a fence, and then followed the fence up a huge and very steep hill, down another and wound through some hills till I got to a road along some phone poles. Followed that out to an established road that I would have gladly taken home, except my path was blocked by a pad locked gate. Oh well, I back tracked and ended up following a railroad track service road, and 11 miles out literally in the middle of nowhere, somebody built a huge house with no established roads in or out according to my GPS. Then As I pulled onto a familiar dirt road that I take often, a cop car passed me, and then further down the road, a chopper with its spot light has somebody stopped and the cop has his lights on, and just flags me past. so all in all a crazy night.

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