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Posts posted by mattyrides07

  1. Yeah, siphon & fill the power steering fluid reservoir using a turkey baster or some sort of suction tool and refill with synthetic ATF. Do this several times with a couple days of driving in between till you use up a quart or two of ATF, then repeat once every third oil change or something to help keep the fluid fresh and evacuate some wear material.

    Thanks! I'll do this ;)

  2. I installed the Warn locking hubs last summer and saw about 2-3MPG better on the street. I'm up in AK, and I still haven't clicked over my hubs (will probably do today though as snow is melting off the streets), and in 4x4 I'm getting between 14-17MPG (street/hwy)...

  3. Why did you decide not to have the air intake facing forward??? Seems like it may need that air force to get all the way through the pipe and into the engine (IMO).... Oh, and fill in your fender cut before some stupid ass cuts themselves on it and sues you. Good job being innovative.

  4. What kind of coil springs are you running?

    I'm running the AC lift... I'd look into OME though simply because of the HORRIBLE customer service at 4x4parts.com


    sweet looking R50!!!! are you just running the spacers or do you have a lift?

    see ^^^^ or look at my signature... I have a 2" coil lift and NX4 spacers


    HOLY fskc!!! Elk? Moose? What are these???? They sure ain't some regular deer we have down here. That's ridiculous. ELK??! Where does this guy live?? Oh, Alaska. Alright, seems normal.

    It's a momma and baby moose. Seeing wildlife is VERY easy here. It's almost harder to NOT see it. I've stationed up here since July 2008. This summer was amazing for our kayaking adventures too- we had two humpback whales play around within 50' of our kayak's (the girls were all terrified, but us guys were trying to get closer) while we were in Resurrection Bay! I've had Orcas swim underneath our chartered boat, seals beg for food on kayak adventures, Beluga whales swim by in packs, and TONS of sea otters to stare at. On a normal day of running I will see Arctic Foxes, moose, and eagles. With Alaska's over 3 million lakes, I see beavers fairly regularly too. I've only seen 5 black bears, and one brown bear (but the brown bear was from a distance while I was driving on the highway). Alaska is truly The LAST Frontier. I believe everyone who is into hunting, fishing and nature should ABSOLUTELY come up here at some point in their life.


    2 Reasons to go to Alaska-

    1) No handgun carry permit required to CC

    2) The scenerey/wildlife.


    Oh, nice r50 btw, looks good :)

    1) The no permit to carry concealed is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!

    2) It is the MOST beautiful place on Earth!





    THANKS for the compliments guys! I'll snap some more after I get my rear bumper made and put on

  5. ... PS those new HID Sylvania's I bought last month blew out tonight- AT THE SAME TIME! I had the receipt so I was able to exchange them instantly. Anyway, here are some pics of my Pathy AFTER I Installed the NX4 spacers...










  6. Thanks guys. That's how I did it, but I ran out of time at the garage on base. I had to get to school, so I haven't tightened everything down. Anyway, here's the story-

    I arrived at 1020am last saturday (garage opens at 10am) to put my camber bolts in. I was too late to get a bay immediately as they were all full. I waited a little over an hour and nobody on the list had moved. So, I called up the DIY garage on the airforce side and they had two available bays (SHOOT!!! Why didn't I think of this before?!) So I immediately drove the 15 minutes over there. After finally getting my truck on the stand and wheels off it was 15minutes after 12. I then started putting the camber bolts in, but couldn't seem to get much of change in angle. One of the employees of the garage was watching me and said I was doing it backwards... My mind frame was that of being rushed because I had about a 30+ minute drive ahead of me, and school starts at 1pm! Anyway I tightened everything thing down enough to not fall apart until I could get in there and play around with it again. I have the bolts driven opposite of each other now, but what that guy was saying kind of makes sense. He was saying if the bolts are going opposite of each other they are working against each other therefore they'll only get 2 degrees change...


    Anyway, Thanks for the heads up!

  7. Not sure why the ride would feel any different. The springs should have no more or less compression on them unless they were installed incorrectly. All the spacers do is move the strut assembly further away from the body by 1"...

    The spring is under more tension b/c it's compressed an extra 1" now. The suspension works fine, and everything was installed correctly (heck, it wasn't hard). It is a bit more tighter up front- as I'm driving down the road my front end bounces noticably more than before. I am getting more used to it though now :)


    I believe that he is referring to the "lack of rake" stance from sitting in the driver seat? At least that is what I thought he meant. :shrug:

    I'm confused??? The only "stance" I mentioned was in reference to not having my camber bolts in (the lower ones), so my wheels were severely cocked outward at the top and inward at the bottom.... this is like when a prerunner jumps his truck and it's suspension "bottoms out" in the air (called "full droop"). Hence, since my camber was off so dramatically it looked like the prerunners do in "full droop".


    Going to take photos today. I tried the other day in the night and it didn't work out too well (sun rises around 0930 and sets around 1700 right now)

  8. ... took 3 hours. I HATE trying to get those long springs even with the 3rd hand! That seriously took the longest of the whole ordeal. I am curious though, does anyone else who run these noticed the front of their truck is like a pogo stick now?!


    Oh, and I forgot to bring my extra cam bolts... so now I'm looking like a prerunner in full droop!

  9. Doesn't matter either way as long as there's something in there, really. Just add enough distilled water to get to the MAX line to have some buffer for any potential air pockets, small amounts of coolant lost due to evaporation, etc.


  10. I changed from OEM bulbs to the cheapest Sylvania bulbs from Wal-Mart and they are still brighter than the 11 year old OEM bulbs. I sure hope they last a few years, at least. I'm just curious, are the $80 Sylvania bulbs that much brighter, etc than what you had before?

    I should try that route next time (I went to the auto store and picked up the newest set of sylvania's because they were on sale for $68. It's dark here half the year so our headlights are ALWAYS on. My wife reminded me she replaced a set while I was deployed too... so it's about one set every year. To answer your question though, OH YEAH THEY'RE BRIGHTER. On this last set, I had a couple different occasions where people were flashing their brights at me trying to tell me I had my brights on- :rolleyes: I haven't put these new ones in yet. Still trying to hunt down the clip.

  11. ...(WARNING- Some bitching is about to occur) Read at your own risk....


    So, I needed to change my oil in the Pathy. I decided not to do it myself since it was darn near $10 a quart for full synthetic oil (up here in Alaska everything is 70-100% more expensive than in the lower 48). I decided to just pay the Jiffy Lube to do it (I had won a gift certificate to them this spring that I used and I remember it being around $60) . While there the guy asked if in addition to what they did last time if I wanted to do all the extra crap they always try and push on people. I politely said, "No, thanks. I work on my own cars, but I'm in a time crunch and this needs to get done today." As I started to walk away I remembered thinking a couple days ago I also need to change and flush my differential fluids (at 130K miles- NO maintenance besides regular oil changes have ever been done)... and remembering how expensive the oil was at the auto store- I asked this kid how much they wanted for that. He said, "$37 per diff to clean and put in new fluid. Plus, you'll get 10% off for being military." So, I agreed to have them change the diff fluids too. When I went in to go over everything I realized last time they did NOT use full synthetic oil because they were quoting me $59.99 for the oil change PLUS $35 for F.S.! Well, I was already there... what was I to do?


    At check out they said my passenger headlight was out, and asked me if I wanted them to replace it. I chuckled and said they must be thinking of the wrong car because I just replaced them this summer (put the $80 SYLVANIA lights in) and I ALWAYS check my lights here at night (OCD) so I KNOW they were JUST working Sunday night. After I paid I went outside and sure enough my light was out! I "tapped" on the lens and it came back on. I drove around and finished my errands.


    Tonight upon coming home I made it in about an hour before dark (5PM). I decided to clean the terminals. now keep in mind we're in the low 20s BEFORE wind-chill... I cleaned all the terminals and I saw my red cap off and down in the engine bay, and one of the bolts holding my battery against the tray was broke.... hummmm... So, frustrated now that 3 things are wrong- I tried to figure out something to fix the battery problem. By the time I got done and started messing with the lights the sunset was QUICKLY fading! I swapped bulbs to make sure it was the terminal and not the bulb... guess what- it WAS the bulb! So, as i'm putting the locker ring back on the driver's side I drop it and hear it "fall". I look for it in the snow and it didn't drop out so it's in there somewhere, right?! So I move my dirtbikes around so I can fit the car partially in the garage (as far as it'll go). I'm laying down there and I can't find a dang thing! I did find two cables/outlets going to the engine though (I'm going to look into these tomorrow), I can't "see" an engine block heater... anyway, so now I'm clipless for the one light, and a bulb down! I go to pull out the Pathy from the garage but I didn't put the garage door all the way up first, so as I backed out I bent my antenna!


    ARGHHHHHHHH.... rant over! Tomorrow's my last day off and I get to spend it doing errands now ALL day!



    -Rant over

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