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Posts posted by aries247

  1. when i did my body lift i left the radiator in stock location. pulled the lower shroud piece off. shortened lower radiator hose. i did have to trim the shroud a little bit iirc.

  2. yeah he's definately screwing with you. i had a pierce county cop tell me my tires stuck out too far that i needed fender flares. i argued with him that i have had several state troopers behind me and was never stopped. he told me that if he saw me driving around he would ticket me. mind you this was up on forest roads by green water. i told him fine i would fight it. he drove off without saying another word. i still do not have fender flares and that was 2 years ago.

  3. post up a time and place when it's all finished so we can do a celebatory wheelin trip. combined celebration for losing the she-devil, getting mr.jim up and running, and to your health and well being. that would be bad a$$. who wouldn't want to participate in that???? well odviously not everyone would be able to make it but we could do pics and video.

  4. I work with a guy that actually fell for a scam like that awhile ago. only they told him he had a rich relative that died in south africa. also to send $5,000.00 to get the money transferred. the funny thing about it is he actually did it, and when we all asked if he knew of any relatives in south africa he said no.. he believed it up until he saw it on the news that it was a scam. :lol:

  5. i routed mine from antenna attached to drivers side fender through top of wheel well into firewall through said firewall up behind dash up through a-pillar to radio mounted where rear view mirror use to be. take note i have no headliner so it was easy from a-pillar to where radio is. it's all personal preference though. just get in there and look to see the best way to route it. take your time and have fun.

  6. Welcome back Mr. Jim. I don't personally know you but hope to wheel with you in the future. Great to hear the Health and Personal life are getting back in order and improving. Glad to hear things will be improving with NPORA. I absolutely love NPORA and will be paying the $10. when i am able to so i can become a official member. Best of Luck with the Lawsuit. Best Wishes.


    Richard aka aries247

  7. i've seen a couple of twin-turbo 300zx complete engines on craigslist for a low $400.to a high of $1500. here in the seattle area not that it does you any good. :D

  8. that's a great story. please do take pics. also don't feel like an ass because at least you didn't break anybodies windshield or hurt anybody in the process of mudslinging.

  9. i have a little trough thing on my titan just below the filter. as far as jiffylube my sister use to take her truck to them. twice they left the drain plug loose. i told her take it somewhere else.

  10. i used to own a ninja zx600. almost got hit twice on it so sold it. i would love to own another bike but too many idiots out on the roads. i know a guy who was hit by a road-rager on his bike. damn near killed him. so owning a bike is merely a dream now.

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