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Posts posted by SteeevO

  1. so i just got over my broken leg, but i have no place to work right now. my dad is in the middle of a divorce and i hate to have to get up and move everything in middle of a paroject.. although i will have to move and engine and a bunch of other old parts.. RAR anways...if i can figure out the fastest way to do this. i could probably get this done at a friends house.


    ok so the front drivatrain is all together i took it out of another pahty as one piece(the diff, axels, spindls, rotors, hubs, LCA's)


    so now i want to get this entire thing in as one piece.. what would be the easiest way to get it on with minimal disasembly on the pathy.


    should i just drop out the torsion bars and take off the current LCA's and raise it in or is there a better way someone can think of?

  2. u might want to put a heat shield on the header pipe right under the driverside floorboard. my floorboards get hot and that was the the cause of the melting insulation on my ham radio power wires sparking my carpet on fire on the way home from utah (no the wire wasn't fused at the battery) ... i have the pathy dynomatted now which also provides insulation but i'm still going to put a heatshield soon...


    my floorboards only heat up after going 75MPH for atleast 15 minutes

  3. yes i know exactly what you are saying. the guy before me that had it SAID he took good care of it and was ontop of oil changes. and so far he had been telling the truth about everything else i tore of the parts pathfinder. i even drove the other pathfinder with this engine before yanking it out. it did not leak at all. not one drop .. yesterdayi was parked for 5 minutes and had a oil spot the size of my hand on the ground. the shop also fessed up to putting 5 Qts of oil in after i repeatedly told them it did not take that much. so i am going to supply a factory RMS and also new thowout bearing because they supposedly chaged that too but my old one was ould as heck and sounded like it was ready to fall appart.. and thier NEW one is no better.

  4. so yeah my dad got inhis face on the phone... i'm taking it in on monday... they are gonna take the thinga appart and do it again... and i think i'm gonna go down and get the factory seal and make them use that. also make them pout a new throwout bearing.. cause thier "NEW" one is loud as HECK!!


    so yeah hopfully this works out for me next week... now i need to find a way to get to school while it's in the shop

  5. thanks guys, they tried feeding me some stuff about how the engine has 200K on it and the bearings or the shaft must be messed up because it's a new seal... but my other engine had 347K on it and diddn't have a leaky rear main.. do you think this is possible having 200K on the engine or should i still get in thier face about it?


    so the engine wasn't NEW but it runs GREAT.. it sucks cause my dads friend owns the shop and i'm getting fed up witht them.


    i'm one of those people that is very patient.. and people will push me and push me and push me... but i'll evntually explode..and explode big... i really don't want this to come to that i just want the pathy fixed and fixed right. i'll post pics of it all later... i'm getting pissed

  6. welp my cast is off my leg and i'm driving again. and theother eninge was swapped inby a shop and they said they replaced the rear main seal becasue the engine was out so Y not.. ok so.. now it leaks and i also think they put too much oil in.. could it be leaking becase thereis too much?? or now that it has started will it leak no matter what?


    i'm really pissed off about it all cause it leaks a crap load....

    i really wish i was able to do it myself...


    thnks ahead of time for the input

  7. everytime someone hears about someone else running 35's someone else chimes in talking about how thier steering is gonna go out... like in the IFS w/ 35's thread


    Lots of people have put 35's on a Pathy with 6-9" of lift. It sucks the everloving life out of the engine and it wrecks steering parts faster than you can whip out your wallet, but it's been done. I've even seen one on 38's, with 4+3+3 lifts and severely trimmed fenders.


    maybe you were talking about the idler arm centerlink etc.

  8. i'm trying to get PSC to make a stonger power steering for the pathfinder.. all they need are pics of how it's mounted etc..i would take the pics and send them but i have a broken leg and i am not living at home where the pathy is right now so if someone can either post pics that i can e-mail or just e-mail then to Karl that would be great

    here is the e-mail.

    To PSC:

    I need a stronger Power steering system for my Nissan pathfinder. I did not see anything for Nissan on you website. Can you guys help me out?




    PSC Reply:

    I do not make anything for a Nissan, but if you can email me some pics, I may be able to make something happen for you like how mounted to frame inside, or outside ect.


    Karl [karl@pscmotorsports.com]

    Karl Westendorf

    GM PSC Motorsports


    phn 817.270.0102

    fax 817.270.5461

  9. basically..... NO


    i have 30's and it's my daily driver.. no problems


    i got a 3" lift and

    i say

    go with 31. you WILL kick yourself later on for only going with 30


    cause i kicked myself


    if ur not heavy footed and accelerate at a moderate speed. your gas won't change too bad.


    infact my gas milage went up a little since i drive mostly highway.

  10. today i was reading in peterons 4wheel and off road and they were saying that lockers in and ifs is scary because of that fact that the housing is weaker and if u had a locker in there and the the frong wheels spinning and one side catches...well.. you would crack open the housing.. they recomend putting a LSD up front over a locker


    what do you guys think?

    how strong is a R200?

  11. i diddn't realize that the trailmaster lift lowered the front diff and all therefore enabling you to stack it with another lift.. i thought all the lifts for the pathys were ucas and torsion bars..untill i saw this


    yeah i'm going stock...


    i need to bolt up the fron't diff still but it's hard to do with ur leg in a cast..sux

  12. yes he is GIVING me samples. and if u don't believe it, thats fine. i was just trying to share information with a community that is consistently complaining about pathys getting bad mileage.

    yes i do realize it's network marketing...but i'm just saying that the product works.


    just trying to help.

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