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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. yes, let's disarm the cops. :D :D



    I ws going to suggest that all Americans be forced to carry a gun by law. That way this would never happen. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

  2. Just out of curiosity,


    What do Australians think of America?



    I will not answer that, in detail, on the grounds that I may offend people I like, except to say that we are in keeping with the rest of the world.

  3. Fair dinkum, yep, that horrid swear word again, some of you lot need to go and find a sense of humour. If you can't find one please buy one.


    And if you want to be pedantic trainman, show me the letter to the editor that he wrote apologising for pointing out incorrect sentence structure amongst other things. I certainly did see it. You seem to have though??? No good him saying sorry to us. He didn't set out to correct us did he?


    Get over yourselves FFS. Seems the only one to "get it" was 88 himself. Hats off to him for being one of a few here that can see past their own belligerence.

  4. i don't understand where the money the administration is that they would use to pay for another war. Canada is a little smaller scale, but none the less, i can think of better things we could be doing with out tax money than trying to clean up the mess in afghanistan. The media here really portrays it as canadian effort rather than a multinational un led security thingy


    They borrow most of the money from other countries. Places like China namely. This is the main reason the $US is crashing. America was about to default on their overseas loans for the first time in '03 and are printing money like it is for a Monopoly game ever since to make repayments. This is causing inflation. They just raised the national debt limit for the umpteenth time again to try and keep from defaulting too.


    But the guys over there know all of this already and it doesn't seem to worry them. It sure as hell would and does worry me though, but on the other hand, China will fill the vacuum of a bankrupt America, perhaps I am not the forward thinker I thought I was. It's all good. :beer:

  5. I have to agree with Simon. There isn't anything that can rattle really fuel pump wise. It could be a baffle that has come away though. Also your fuel pump pressurises the fuel rail, hence it may run after you switch off for a very short time and (with the ignition on) before it fires up.

  6. http://www.answers.com/topic/rant


    Uh, no I don't agree that it is a rant. As for veering off topic, many posts tend to do that after a few submissions. That can be the nature of forums and what makes them so engaging, don't you agree?


    It seems that you somehow missed the reason for my sh!tstir. Perhaps 88 will explain it to you. Feel free to catch up here too if you wish.


    And to answer your question.... yes, I agree with you 110%. That is what makes what I said so poignant. :aok:

  7. My $0.02


    I buy the odd bit of stuff from USA. I bought my locker when it was $1NZ to $0.78US :D cheap locker.

    BUT if you buy something worth more than IIRC $400NZ not including shipping, you get stung with a $65 (B/S) fee plus 12.5% tax :rant2:


    I see the locker they sell is $799.00NZ......I paid $425NZ including 8 day shipping :jig:

    Looking at getting Warn hubs from USA now :D


    [edit] Just remembered Aaron, somewhere ages ago you said the 4wd shifter boot was about $20US from dealer (Not holding you to it) :D

    I rang Nissan here :ohno01: OVER $200NZ I said "I don't want the gearbox, just the boot" I don't think he found it funny :D



    The $US is collapsing at an alarming rate, for them. But for us it will be all good. Give it another 6 to 12 months at the current economical and trade deficit levels and your $NZ will be worth as much as the $US, if not more. We are already at record highs for $AU. Not too long ago it was $AU0.75 to the $US1. We are now at $AU0.90 to the $US1. I am saving my $$$$ for a spending spree in the US. Can't wait.

  8. Did the beaver comment offend you vsicks?



    No Pezzy, quite the opposite in fact. I love to love the beaver and in anyway possible. If only it could be bottled.... hmmmm....... there you go, you got me daydreaming. But! what a dream.


    I was making a smartarse point pertaining to what may or may not be double standards that's all. :itsallgood:


    Now back to that dream I was having. :tonguefinger: lol.

  9. I think the stupid corporate american media companies are the ones doing the drumming. The administration would definitely be going against the will of the american people if they go to war with Iran. I don't think they want a war any more than the people of Iran do.



    As for the media, I don't think they are beating the drum for war with Iran, more so they doing the administrations bidding, dancing to the beat of the drum coming out of Washington if you will. By selective reporting and non truths they are once again helping to paint a picture, a picture of something that doesn't exist. Does no one remember WMD? We know where they are? We have pictures of mobile chemical labs? Does no one recall these lies?


    Are you sure that a war with Iran is going to be against the will of the American population? Did you not see what 88 wrote? If that sort of position is taken by most Americans, and I think it is, then I fear the worst. Lets not forget the the population of the USA is not the most informed when it come to events such as these. An example would be that the majority of people in the US think Iranians are Arabs. It is reports like this one in the new york times that shapes the mind set. If people read this lot of BS then of course they will think that Iran is an Arab country. If they don't read balanced stuff like this then they will think that Iran is acting illegally and making nuclear bombs.


    It seems too much to ask any sort of question, and if you do you are somehow anti American! That idiocy got us into Iraq and is going to land you in Iran.


    No offense to anyone, but it does seem that priorities are not quite in check. The time and effort to write a letter to a vehicle review mag pointing out flaws that may or may not be in an article? Where is the letter to their Government pointing out flaws? Flaws, I might add, that will get lots of people killed. I wonder which, at the end of the day, would be more important. I know which would be a better read.


    And before anyone bags me... I have written a letter. And I still have not had a reply after nearly 2 years.

  10. sarcasm -->> "yawn" has been played out so how about "nuke'm all!" hehe. :stickwack::ar15::suicide:

    oh yeah:


    (click me)



    Same thing but a little more poetic.


    An excerpt if I may... "The official in question, Debra Cagan, appears in the Daily Mail photo in a red leather blouse and what looks like a chain-mail choker around her neck, along with some sort of martial cross although I understand she's Jewish. Her hair's slicked back like that of a fifties street gang kid. She looks like a butch dominatrix. I hope she would not be offended by this description because it is accurate and I suspect it's her intention to project such an image."

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