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Posts posted by Kittamaru

  1. Alrighty, getting my head out of me arse and noticing I have a LOT more to learn than I thought


    How do I go about determining the engine on my pathy? It's a 3.0L SE V6... but what's all the numbers I see being thrown about? VG30 or something like that? How do I know what mine is?


    how do I go about determining what kind of injectors I have/need? TBI or EFI? What're those?


    *chuckles* damn... so much to learn, so few accurate resources for this old truck on the web!


    Help me obi wan kenobies... I know you guys know the truth of the pathy force!


    Yeah... I got a long ways to go. But I'll get there :D

  2. 50 dollars is expensive when you're paying college tuition :P


    I really want something AWD or 4WD... PA (and if we transfer to RIT up in New York) snow is a bear... New York would be even worse.


    I unno... I'll keep looking at the WRX... most of them seem to be manual though :( (she doesn't know how to drive stick... I'll teach her some day! )

  3. I was under the impression you can throttle back the turbo or even go so far as to simply cut it off unless the gas is depressed x amount?


    Or is it always engaged? Thought turbo's could be tuned a little finer than that.


    I'm not sure... I'm looking at Subaru's as well... Nissan and Subaru are the only cars I really trust :)


    What are some other good sporty nissan cars that won't break the bank and use REGULAR (that is important with gas prices what they are... ugh)

  4. I'm not looking at it for power :P


    My fiance's car recently died, and I know how good Nissan's are... but I don't want us to have ANOTHER SUV... at 50 bucks a tank my pathy is a TAD expensive every other week (I manage to squeeze 23ish MPG out of her)


    I'm assuming a skyline with an engine of similar spec to my pathy's, but of MUCH lighter weight, would have a better fuel economy... plus it's sporty and looks damned cool!

  5. Well, I'm looking at getting one that either needs some light work, or a new engine. Either thing I can manage (with the help of my mechanic, who's a family friend) but I need to get the car and the parts first :P


    I'm looking at one now... R32 GTS-t Sedan that's been refit and kit out with a RB25DET engine for some extra punch... only 14,600.


    Gah... duh... just realized something. It's a right hand drive... heh. Never bothered to check that.


    The skyline I drove was a left hand drive... is that a conversion or are there left hand drive designs?

  6. My undercoat is all but gone... a lot of the exposed flat surfaces have rusted pretty badly.


    Once I get it up on a lift I'll take pictures and show you what I mean... hard to do with the camera phone I have now... no flash and all... plus no SD card so I can't get them on my PC XD

  7. aw.. that sucks...


    Can you make any recommendations for parts I should go to a junkyard to get?



    I'm thinking perhaps I should get new oil and tranny oil coolers, oil and tranny oil pans, etc?


    Maybe a 90 amp alternator?

  8. Okay, I'm having trouble again... where can I buy a finned or ribbed transmission fluid pan?


    Looking online keeps bringing up gaskets and crap... is there a good site that sells Nissan Parts that a relative noob would understand?

  9. Question:


    When I shift into 4WD the first time, then shift out, that means the TRANSFER CASE is active and supplying power to the front tires, but the HUBS are not locked, correct?


    So this will NOT affect my turning (or put stress on the transfer case) but it WILL allow me to shift on the fly, right?


    Just making sure.

  10. I'm looking for any year Nissan Skyline...


    Backstory - my Fiance's 2.2L 4 banger 1999 chevy cavalier z24 up n died. Apparently the oil leaked out at the oil filter, so the engine was running without any oil. Seized up tight... rebuild is gonna cost as much as having the engine replaced. We're looking at getting it replaced... but...


    I'm looking at getting her a gorgeous christmas or birthday present... I want to get her a Nissan Skyline.


    Prefereably, a GT-R, ENR33 GTS-4, 400R, 34 GT-FOUR... basicly, I want one of the better ones. I don't want top of the line as there's no way on earth I could afford it...


    To be blatently honest, it doesn't even have to work. If I have to sink a few thousand into it to make it run, so be it... this is a long term project after all.


    I want to give her a vehicle that you won't see on the road everyday... one that'll handle bad weather without question and will give her the umph she so wants in a car.


    If you can give any advice on models to look for, as well as where to look (I'm perusing a couple of junkyards next year to look for parts cars), please let me know.





    PS - it is prefered if it has a DE or DET engine series. Fantastic if it could be a straight 6, but not necessary... I don't want her getting TOO many speeding tickets now ;)

  11. I am NOT doing an acid or detergent flush... I'm simply going to drain and run new fluid through, letting the fluid run out till it comes thru at least somewhat close to the color it went in.


    I just talked to my mechanic... it was the torshin bar AND the tie rods, but I had the timing wrong-


    The tie rods were a bit bent up and were weak and rusted - being 17 years old (the original parts) I guess that's not that terribly uncommon? What happened was, when he tried to heat up the tie rods to free them, the... ah... what did he call it... well, in any case, in the attempt to repair the damaged tie rods, they snapped in half, so he replaced them. He didn't charge me for parts since he thinks it may have been his own error, but yeah, they were broken... just they broke in the shop XD


    And yeah, my torshin bar was busted.

  12. Yes, your description sinched it - my front right end was about a foot and a half lower than my rear left... it was damn near laying on the stopper of the shock absorber.


    to be certain, next time I go up to Harrisburg, I'll ask my mechanic (I'm attending college in philly) what exactly it was that broke.

  13. Kind of... I dont' have the ECCS thingy there... beyond that it looks almost exact.


    Where can I get a factory service manual? Is that the one that comes with the truck... the owners manual?


    And er... yeah... Tie Rods... Torshin bar... okay, no, I don't know how I $#&%ed that up


    the torshin bar was busted... not the tie rods 0o'


    Damn... note to self... do NOT POST HELP REQUESTS after midnight.


    Yes, torshin bar, thank you


    So. the Haynes Repair Manual isn't any good?


    Is Nissan really going to give me a full technical manual at my request?

  14. Thing is, it doesn't follow ANY of the tech specs I've looked up... I have here in my hand a book that has nearly every how too I could ever need, complete with diagrams, designed special for the 1990 nissan (it's from a series of books made for various brands, years, models, ect)


    Thing is, my engine looks COMPLETELY different from the engine it shows!


    The book is the Nissan/Datsun Pick-up & Pathfinder


    Haynes Repair Manual


    It was designed following a complete teardown and rebuild


    Damn good book recommended to me by my mechanic... covers pathy's from 1987b up to 1995... yet none of them fit my engine.


    Biggest difference is I do NOT have that big ass circular air intake... I have the standard box intake...

  15. I want to see pictures of your engine bay, suspension and steering system. Cause I want whatever enables you to do chit like that


    *nods* Once I actually have a Micro SD card for my camera so I can upload them to my PC, i will.


    it's weird because all the 89, 90, and 91 pathy's around here have a very different setup than mine... I don't know who did what to it, but it's the same setup it's had since my family owned it, thus I think it's stock... just stock what?


    And what enables me to do that? I'm not afraid to do it, that's what. The truck oversteers a little so I've learned to use that to my advantage when making tight corners. The truck has better acceleration between 2500-3500 rpm, so I play with break, gas, and the pre-shift to stay in my optimum power zone if I'm trying to "race" someone. Oh, and I'm not afraid to push someone around if they try to move into my lane or cut me off.


    I know my own limits and the limits of my truck's road potential. I know how hard I can push her around turns before I risk a skid and I know how much I can attempt to accelerate before I risk pushing myself around.


    My point was, at 19 years old, I'm a pretty decent driver in most road conditions, be it driving carefully on snowy / icy roads, racing a friend around a closed track, or having fun in a snow covered parking lot. I'm not saying my truck will beat your Diablo down a 1/4 mile track... I'm not saying it'll do better on the trail than your daddy's Laredo. What I AM saying is that, for a 17 year old truck that's been on a not so faithful maintenance schedule, she has held up damn nice and I want to LEARN to maintain her exceptionally well, not just be another one of your "every day dickheads* that doesn't know how to take care of his truck.


    Now, can we ALL put our E-Peens away and get back on the freaking subject? Man o live... I asked a question, gave all the info I thought was pertinant... and then you contest it. You wanted to know how I drive it, I told you. End o Story.

  16. Rofl


    I dunno why mate, it was steering alright without them, though it pulled HEAVILY to the right when I let go of the wheel.


    New tie rods, new connectors, and a new set of tires + alignment (I was over an inch and a half out of alignment) and she rides pretty as can be!


    ... EDIT ...


    Thinking about it... i guess pulling to the side means it wasn't steering alright huh XD

  17. hehe, I just had my alignments done... the tie rods were actually BROKEN (they were the original ones) because of the 17 years of @!*% that truck has seen... dunno how I was able to drive it tot he shop... it handled great though

  18. Yeah, it was a rock climber pathy... strange looking beast it was!


    Only recognized it as a pathy because of the decal on the back that read PATHFINDER XD


    Tires looked something like these:




    Here's a picture from this site of all places, of the kind of twist that scares me




    How much modding do I need for my stock truck to do this? XD


    BTW - that second picture, that is NOT the truck I saw... just that I liked the twist and movement ont he suspension.

  19. See, here's my question:


    Why would high-intensity roadway driving be any worse than high-stakes offroad driving? I've seen pathy's with 53 inch tires and 21 inches of suspension travel literally torshin their frame into a pretzle, only to have it rebound when they come off the boulder they're sitting on! It's bleeding fantastic!

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