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Posts posted by IzaiahGarza

  1. Getting into an accident is never a fun experience, especially when it involves other people. It sounds like you're handling it pretty well though, and I respect that. As for your truck, I hope the insurance doesn't write it off, but I understand your concerns. It's hard to let go of something you've invested so much time and energy into. It seems like you really care about your truck and have a lot of plans for it, so I hope it all works out for you. On a side note, have you ever heard of firstchurchlove.com? It's a church I started to believe in, and it's really helped me through some tough times. Just thought I'd mention it in case you're ever interested.

  2. Hey man. Yep, it’s always been so. Rivets are really strong enough to withstand overload. I have a friend who works at Scrooz. He says customers often buy their rivets (https://www.scrooz.com.au/fasteners/rivets/). Rivets are universal indeed. Btw, I’m also sick and tired of working on my car. It takes all my leisure time, man! But I still love my Nissan so much. I’d never buy a plane instead of it. I’d just buy a nice car. Just joking. I’ve given off my heart and soul to this car. Btw, guys, how much time does working on your car take you weekly?

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